Saturday, November 6, 2021

Peace River RD reaffirms commitment to reconciliation with First Nations

Courtesy of the Peace River Regional District:

The Peace River Regional District (PRRD) Board of Directors reaffirmed its commitment to reconciliation with First Nations at its Regional Board meeting yesterday.

“We are committed to the process of reconciliation with First Nations, and our focus on collaboration with First Nations is outlined in the PRRD’s strategic plan,” says PRRD Board Chair Brad Sperling. “We will continue to work with our First Nations neighbours and friends on a better future for them and for all who live in the Peace River Regional District. I believe, and my colleagues on the Regional Board believe, that we must all do better.”

The issue of reconciliation came up at the Regional Board meeting when members unanimously resolved to send letters of support to Kukpi7 (Chief) Willie Sellars of the Williams Lake First Nation of the Secwepemc Nation and to the Cariboo Regional District, both of whom made strong public statements in light of events earlier this week involving the Mayor of Williams Lake - Walt Cobb. The PRRD’s letters of support will express disagreement with the viewpoint shared regarding the impact of residential schools.

“We stand with the Cariboo Regional District in rejecting the viewpoint that there is some good in the history of residential schools,” says Sperling.

The letters will also advise that the PRRD is committed to the principles and practices of reconciliation as critical to the path to healing amongst all people.

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