Thursday, November 25, 2021

Quesnel Council Highlights - Nov 23rd mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

City of Quesnel Transition Video


Proposed Business License Amendments - Public Consultation

No businesses came forward to provide comment on the City of Quesnel Business Regulation and Licensing Amendment Bylaw No. 1910 of 2021.

Kandola Forest Products - Delegation

President and CEO Neal Kandola updated Council on the company's operations, noting that they are currently focusing on a line of re-manufactured wood products that includes a wide variety of products.  KFP's product line is customizable and available in major retail, wholesale and distribution networks throughout Canada, USA and Japan.  

KFP is a value added mill with a value added approach to the market; emphasizing on a premium product.

Strengthening Communities Program - Delegation

Through grant funding, the City secured the services of a Community Social Coordinator, Kelsi Andreychuk.  Kelsi attended as a delegation to describe her work to date.

This position works collaboratively with our community partners and our vulnerable population, to increase public education, decrease stigma and discrimination and establish services that benefit the unsheltered homeless and the community as a whole. 

The Clean Team and Day Labour Program are two initiatives that consist of peer workers providing clean-up services to the community.  In addition to cleaner streets and sidewalks, relationships between local businesses and peers are formed - empowering and healthy connections.

Provincial Minister Meetings - Mayor's Update

Mayor Simpson traveled to Victoria the first week of November to meet with Provincial Ministers, Staff, Opposition Leaders and organizations relevant to the business of Quesnel and area. A key message from the Mayor was that the Province's Build Back Better initiative should take into consideration the different states of economy throughout the province, as Quesnel's new growth phase requires different supports than other areas.

1 week ... 27 meetings!

First Nations Chiefs Meeting - Mayor's Update

The City is hosting a bi-monthly meeting amongst the City of Quesnel and the Chiefs of our four local First Nations - Lhtako Dene Nation, Nazko First Nation, Lhoosk’uz Dene Nation and ?Esdilagh First Nation, with an open invitation to Ulkatcho First Nation.

The November 16th meeting included guests from Northern Health, BC Housing, College of New Caledonia and contractors involved in partnership projects.

Salvation Army - Warrior's Song Cafe Closure - Mayor's Update

On November 12th, the Salvation Army closed the Warrior Song Cafe.  The City of Quesnel and various community organizations are collaborating to see if this service gap can be filled.

Development Services Update

Development Permit Update – Riverfront Walks - Dyke Road

Council approved - a proposal by ICON Homes to construct seven new single detached dwellings within the floodplain and sensitive ecosystem development permit area subject to elevation and setback conditions.

Zoning Amendment – 668 Doherty Drive

Council approved first reading of amendments to the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw to convert 668 Doherty Drive from office space to a 15 unit apartment. Concerns around tenant storage space and bicycle parking need to be address prior to final Council consideration.

Grant Update

Council approved the City cancelling the $1,359,875 contract for the Child Care Capital Funding Program Childcare BC New Spaces Fund, and re-applying with an application that will provide an increase to 57 child care spaces within a new facility, as follows:


  • City of Quesnel Business Regulation and Licensing Amendment Bylaw No. 1910 of 2021 - Third Reading
  • City of Quesnel Comprehensive Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 1911 of 2021 - Final Adoption
  • City of Quesnel Appointment of Officers and Delegation of Authority Amendment Bylaw No. 1914 of 2021 - First, Second, Third Readings
  • City of Quesnel Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1912 of 2021 (668 Doherty Driver) - First Reading
  • City of Quesnel Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1913 of 2021 (668 Doherty Drive) - First Reading
  • City of Quesnel Housing Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 1915 of 2021 - First, Second, Third Readings


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