Tuesday, November 30, 2021

WL Council Highlights (Committee of the Whole) - Nov 30th, 2021 mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb (Chair); Councillors Boehm, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll, and Smith

Video of the meeting here

Meeting called to order at 6pm

The Chair recognized that the meeting was being held on traditional Shuswap territory

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on October 26th, 2021 were received/adopted


1) Steve Forseth - Cariboo RD Area "D" Director appeared before the Committee to provide an update on Housing, Regional District Electoral Area Grant for Assistance Program and the Cariboo Regional District's Pine Valley Sewer System Service

Director Forseth answered questions of the Committee, following his presentation

The Chair thanked Director Forseth for his time/information


1) Letter from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs re Bill 26 Proposed Legislative Amendments

The letter from the Ministry was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon.. 

Resolved: That the letter from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs dated October 26, 2021 regarding an overview of Bill 26 and the proposed legislative amendments to various provincial acts, including the Community Charter and the Local Government Act, be received for information

2) Cold Weather Response Working Group Temporary Warming Shelter Plan

A report from the Well-being and Safety Plan Coordinator was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That it be recommend to Council:

"That pursuant to the report of the Well-being and Safety Plan Coordinator dated November 25, 2021, a letter be provided to BC Housing endorsing the Emergency Cold Weather Action Plan, submitted by Canadian Mental Health Association, which establishes the temporary opening of a warming shelter from December 2021 to March 31, 2022, located at the Hamilton Hotel; and that Council allocate $20,000 from the City’s UBCM Strengthening Communities Fund allotment to support this project.

The Committee adjourned at 6:45pm

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