Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Day Messages 2021

From BC Premier John Horgan:

December 25th is a day for Christians around the world to celebrate the birth of their Saviour, Jesus Christ, and his message of peace, joy and love. “These values will help guide us through another holiday season in which we must all take steps to avoid spreading COVID-19. Like you, I will be enjoying time with family and friends in small, safe groups or through the marvels of virtual communication. “I encourage everyone to celebrate safely over the Christmas holiday, so we can look forward to coming together for many more celebrations in the weeks and months to come. “While it has been a difficult year for our province, there is still much to be grateful for as British Columbians. I encourage everyone to reflect on the blessings in your life and the season’s values of kindness, charity and generosity. “To all who celebrate, I wish you a safe and happy holiday, and a very Merry Christmas.”

From Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:

“Merry Christmas, Canada! Today, our family joins Christians across the country and around the world to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and his message of compassion, love, and selflessness. “As a family, we usually gather for meals with loved ones, exchange gifts around the Christmas tree, and most importantly, create memories together. This is also a day to reflect on the many contributions that Christians have made – and continue to make – to communities across the country. This holiday season, like last year’s, we continue to deal with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, we have seen Canadians continue to meet these challenging times with generosity, kindness, and hope, and find different ways to celebrate, help those in need, and give back to the community. “Today, we look back on the challenges of this past year and reflect on the progress we have made. This year marked the beginning of the most extensive immunization campaign in our country’s history. As we finish the fight against COVID-19, let’s continue to follow public health guidance as we celebrate Christmas, so we can keep our communities and our front-line heroes safe. For those who have not already done so, I encourage all eligible Canadians to get their vaccines and booster shots. “During the holidays, we also take time to remember our brave Canadian Armed Forces members serving here in Canada and overseas. They continue to make extraordinary sacrifices to keep us safe, defend our values, and protect our way of life. “From our family to yours, Hadrien, Ella-Grace, Xavier, Sophie, and I wish you happiness, health, and peace this holiday season. Merry Christmas and all the best in 2022.”

From Cariboo RD Chair Margo Wagner:

As 2021 draws to a close we look back upon a year of continued challenges, tragedies, and disasters across British Columbia. Globally, we endured another year of COVID restrictions bringing isolation, mourning, and conflict. Locally, summer was once again marked by wildfires, evacuations, and uncertainty. As winter arrives we face pandemic concerns, broken road and rail links, and just for good measure, the threat of river and overland flooding in the spring. Frankly, it is a year undeserving of a fond farewell! Yet I take comfort in a simple reality. Your Cariboo remains a place where ideals such as trust and community service are made real. The fabric of our communities refuses to unravel.

At the Cariboo Regional District we continue to believe in the potential of our region despite it all. We move forward with intent, working towards our motto of ‘building communities together’. We know a better tomorrow means reconciling with yesterday’s mistakes, understanding all the communities of this place, and ensuring we protect the natural assets that can sustain us into the deep future.

Since time immemorial humans have honored the promise of renewal that accompanies this time of year. Over the Christmas and New Year holidays I hope you may also have occasion to rest for a while, enjoy family and friends, and consider the spirit of the season. On behalf of the Staff and Directors of the Cariboo Regional District - I extend our thanks and gratitude to the community for your support in 2021 and wish you every success in 2022.

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