Wednesday, December 8, 2021

No fire hall closures expected due to Cariboo RD COVID-19 Vaccine Policy

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) is instituting a policy requiring all employees, volunteers, and contractors who have contact with the public to be fully vaccinated from COVID-19. The CRD is one of many regional districts and other government organizations across the province instituting similar policies. Included in this policy are the firefighters who serve with the Regional District’s 14 volunteer fire departments.

Importantly, the policy is not a commentary on the skills and training of the CRD’s dedicated volunteer firefighters. They have shown their worth time and time again in providing an effective emergency response to the community. The CRD considered legal, medical and privacy concerns and sought expert advice before deciding on the policy. Employee and volunteer safety as well as public health best practices were the primary criteria used in arriving at this decision

There is currently much speculation on social media platforms that the policy could result in the closure of volunteer fire halls. However, no hall closures are anticipated.

Typically, a fire department that does fall below minimum levels is afforded time to recruit and train additional members before its certification is impacted. Any volunteer departments in the CRD that do fall below minimum levels due to members not being fully vaccinated will be supported with recruitment and training efforts encouraging fully vaccinated members of the community to be a part of fire protection efforts in their area.

Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer firefighter in the Cariboo Regional District can learn more and apply online at:

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