Tuesday, December 21, 2021

WL Council Highlights - December 21st, 2021 mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors Boehm, Nelson Smith in Council Chambers.  Councillors Ryll, Brenner and Bonnell via Zoom

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Mayor Cobb recognized that the meeting was taking place on traditional Northern Shuswap territory

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Council meeting held December 7th, 2021 was received and adopted

Resolved: That the rules be suspended to permit more than 2 Members of Council to join the meeting of Council via electronic means


Mayor Cobb presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Massimo Calabrese in regards to his efforts to bring public awareness to COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics in Williams Lake... 

Following the presentation -- Mr. Calabrese addressed Williams Lake City Council


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated December 6, 9, 10 and 16, 2021

2) Council approved the following NDIT (Northern Development Initiative Trust) Grant Applications for submission to NDIT:

* Local Government Internship
* Grant Writing Support
* Economic Development Capacity Building Program

3) Council agreed to support The Potato House Project’s application to the Heritage BC ‘150 Time Immemorial Grant Program’ toward development of historical and cultural community tours.

4) Council received a memo from Councillor Ivan Bonnell concerning a summary of the December 10, 2021 Cariboo Regional District Board Meeting

5) Council awarded the contract to upgrade the older existing lighting fixtures to new LED fixtures at the Williams Lake Regional Airport Terminal Building to Service Electric Ltd. for the quoted price of $56,175, including all applicable taxes

6) Council endorsed a recommendation from the Public Works Committee as follows:

That pursuant to Public Works Committee Report #03-2021, the report of the Director of Municipal Services dated December 6, 2021 regarding an update on the lake harvester be received for information; and further, that Staff be directed to proceed with a new permit application seeking approval for cleaning a larger area of the lake.

7) Council awarded the contract for the supply of unleaded gasoline and diesel to Star West Petroleum Ltd. for the tendered price of $1.2990 per litre of unleaded gasoline and $1.3649 per litre of diesel

8) Council approved the proposed Airport Lease Agreement #CWL6000 with Seibert Investments Ltd. for a term of 15-year term effective May 1, 2021, at a lease rate of $7,639.36 excluding applicable taxes in the first year with annual increases based on the BC Consumer Price Index (CPI) and that the Mayor/Corporate Officer be authorized to enter into the lease on behalf of the City

9) After receiving 1 letter and no public input -- Council defeated final adoption of "Williams Lake Business License Amendment Bylaw No. 2356, 2021"

10) Council endorsed a recommendation from the December 14th, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting, as follows:

"That the Committee of Whole Council recommends the report of the Executive Assistant dated December 10, 2021 regarding the City of Williams Lake's meaningful reconciliation and relationship building with our Indigenous partners be received for information.”

11) Council received a letter from the BC SPCA's Chief Scientific Officer regarding an offer to support the City of Williams Lake in reassessing the use of rodenticides

12) Council received a letter from the School District No. 27 Board of Education thanking Williams Lake City Council for their support of the District's BC New Childcare Spaces Fund application toward the creation of 119 new childcare spaces in the community

13) Council received the Council Information Package as of December 21st, 2021

Council received verbal updates from Mayor Cobb/Corporate Officer, as follows:

* COVID-19 Updates
* Emergency Operations Centre Update

Members of Council reported on their recent activities 

Council agreed to adjourn at 6:43pm

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