Friday, January 28, 2022

Cariboo-Chilcotin Orgs. receive Public Safety/Environment Grants from BC

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Editor's Note -- Congratulations are offered to the following organizations in the Cariboo-Chilcotin for receiving Public Safety or Environment Grants, as part of BC's Community Gaming Grant program:

 Public Safety: 

Big Lake Community Association - $25,200 for local Fire Department 
Horsefly Volunteer Fire Department Society - $23,000 
Likely and District Volunteer Fire and Rescue Society - $12,000 
McLeese Lake Volunteer Fire Department Society - $34,600 


Baker Creek Enhancement Society (Quesnel) - $44,000
Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society (Williams Lake) - $25,000 
Invasive Species Council of British Columbia Society (Williams Lake) - $150,000 
Potato House Sustainable Community Society (Williams Lake) - $7,000 
Williams Lake Field Naturalists - $16,000

More than 250 not-for-profit organizations throughout B.C. are receiving Community Gaming Grants to support environmental conservation and public safety programs. 

“This funding helps not-for-profit organizations continue to provide vital programming and supports to people so they can thrive and feel safer and healthier in their communities,” said Josie Osborne, Minister of Municipal Affairs. “We are supporting local organizations that are committed to a wide range of activities that enhance the environment and improve public safety, including search and rescue, restorative justice, conservation and wildlife preservation, and more.” 

The Province is providing approximately $4.9 million to 135 environmental-sector organizations this year. These programs help people to learn about, connect with and enhance and protect the environment.

Examples of programs funded include:

  • ocean literacy, species protection and green boating education for the Georgia Strait Alliance in Nanaimo;  
  • public education programs and restoration at Maplewood Flats Conservation area for the Wild Bird Trust of British Columbia in North Vancouver; and
  • education, advocacy and outreach, wellness, and the cat-sanctuary program through the Regional Animal Protection Society in Richmond.

“Funding and grants are essential to our ability to do the necessary work to deepen connections within coastal communities around environmental stewardship and increase interest and awareness around regional issues in the Canadian waters of the Salish Sea and inland waters, which ultimately intersect and help support the health of communities, their economies and the overall environment,” said Christianne Wilhelmson, executive director, Georgia Strait Alliance.

Organizations providing emergency and safety services are receiving approximately $5.5 million to deliver their community-led programs. These include restorative justice, volunteer firefighting, emergency preparedness, and search and rescue.

Examples of the programs funded include:

  • delivering the Community Restorative Justice program through the Cranbrook and District Restorative Justice Society;
  • training, equipment and gear for the Ground Search and Rescue program and the purchase of two all-terrain vehicles and two trailers for the Vernon Search and Rescue Group Society; and
  • training, equipment and gear for the Marine Search and Rescue program and the purchase of two outboard boat engines for the Fraser Marine Rescue Society in Richmond.

“The Cranbrook and District Restorative Justice Society provides support for court diversion to nearby communities, as well as facilitator training and support for other similar programs,” said Doug McPhee, program co-ordinator. “Funding from sources like Community Gaming Grants and the valued contributions of volunteers provide restorative justice groups in our area the opportunity to operate at a modest level and provide a valued service in our communities.”

Each year, Community Gaming Grants provide $140 million from gaming revenues to support nearly 5,000 not-for-profit organizations that deliver services to people in B.C. communities.

Quick Facts:

  • Every year, commercial gaming revenue funds essential government programs and services in B.C. communities.
  • In addition to public safety and environmental conservation, Community Gaming Grants fund arts, culture and sport, and human and social services, as well as parent and district parent advisory councils in B.C. schools.
  • Each year, eligible organizations can apply for one of the six sectors of Community Gaming Grants, as well as a capital-project grant.

Learn More:

A full list of environment and public safety grant recipients is available online:

For more information on how Community Gaming Grants is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic:

Stronger BC:   

For updates on the COVID-19 pandemic and government response, visit:

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