Friday, January 7, 2022

Cariboo RD's FireSmart Wood Waste Disposal Program Extended

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Although the Canadian Red Cross Services (CRCS) funded FireSmart wood waste disposal program wrapped up in November of last year; the Cariboo Regional District will continue to accept fire smart generated wood waste at no charge. The CRD’s CRCS funded fire smart program was launched in June of 2018, in response to the 2017 wildfires. By alleviating tipping fees associated with wood waste disposal the program sought to encourage homeowners to clear brush and woody debris that could fuel a wildfire. The program was well received, with record amounts of brush and tree debris managed at CRD refuse sites, but continued CRCS funding is no longer available.

Due to the popularity of the program and the potential for ongoing risk of wildfires in coming years, the CRD will continue to accept woody debris generated from fire smart activities on residential private properties, at no charge to individuals. The associated wood waste processing costs will be paid for through existing property taxation revenue instead of tipping fees. The updated program will go into effect immediately.

Residents should be aware that the program does not apply to slash and wood waste generated from logging private property or land clearing for property development. Tipping fees will apply for all wood waste loads delivered by commercial vehicles. If commercial vehicles, such as dump trucks, will be used to deliver fire smart wood waste, arrangements must be made with the CRD in advance of disposal by calling 1-800-665-1636 and speaking with the Environmental Services Department. To learn more about FireSmart download the program booklet (PDF).

When dropping off FireSmart wood waste at CRD refuse sites, please remember; wood loads must be free of dirt, rocks, metals, plastics, and other garbage. Fines apply to contaminated loads. Grass clippings, leaves, and tree needles will also be accepted but must be separated from woody debris. Before unloading, please let the scale or site attendant know your load is from fire smart activities.

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