Tuesday, January 25, 2022

WL Council Highlights - Jan 25th mtg


Mayor Cobb; Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll, Smith

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Mayor Cobb recognized that tonight's meeting was taking place on traditional Northern Secwepemc (Shuswap) territory and provided the following statement, as a result of today's announcement from Williams Lake First Nation regarding their Phase 1 Geophysical Test preliminary results, as follows:

The City of Williams Lake and Council acknowledge the current findings at the St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School. We are flying the Shuswap flag along with our other flags at half-mast in respect to the findings. As indicated by the discussion today, Chief Willie Sellars says this is just the beginning, and indications are it’s going to be a long process. Our thoughts are with the families and communities affected by the results, and offer any assistance we may provide.”

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Williams Lake City Council meeting held January 11th, 2022 were received/adopted


Darcy Repen appeared before Council, via Zoom, to discuss Support for ICBC Rate Inequities 2022 NCLGA Resolution

Following Mr. Repen's presentation - a Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb thanked Mr. Repen for his time/information


That the presentation of Darcy Repen requesting Council's support for the Town of Smithers 2022 NCLGA and UBCM Resolution submission on the inequities of ICBC's regional basic insurance coverage value and requesting review by the BC Utilities Commission of the ICBC Basic Insurance Rate Design be received and that a letter of support be authorized and that Council reach out to the Town of Smithers' Council offering to co-sponsor their 2022 NCLGA Resolution at the 2022 NCLGA Convention in May 2022 in the City of Fort St John, BC


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated January 13 and 14, 2022

2) Council deferred to its' next meeting consideration of selection of the City's insurance provider, at the request of Councillor Scott Nelson (Finance Chair)

3) Council agreed to support the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin Society’s application to the NDIT Cultural Infrastructure Program toward storage and research area expansions and facility safety and security upgrades

4) Council approved an application to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) ‘Green Infrastructure Environmental Quality Program’ for a Media Pressure Water Treatment Plant up to a total cost of $24M, and commit to allocating the City’s contribution of 26.67% of the total funding required to complete the project from City revenues, if the grant is approved

5) Council agreed to amend Reimbursement for Sewer or Water System Malfunctions Policy No. 184  to increase the maximum amount of reimbursement permitted from $500 to $1,000

6) Council authorized the following:

The proposed Second and First Renewal Term Agreements, respectively, to the Stampede Park User Group Leases for the lands situated at 850 Mackenzie Avenue South, legally described as Lot 1, District Lots 71 and 7045, Cariboo District, Plan BCP13147, for a five-year term effective January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2026 be received and the required Notice of Disposition be published in accordance with Section 26 (3) of the Community Charter; and further, subsequent consideration of approval of the Stampede Park Lease Renewal Term Agreements with the Cariboo Friendship Society, Cariboo Heritage Park Society, Gavin Lake Forest Education Society, Williams Lake Curling Club, Williams Lake Stampede Association and Williams Lake Trail Riders Association be referred to the February 22, 2022 Regular Council Meeting. 

7) Council endorsed 2 recommendations from a previous Committee of the Whole meeting as follows: 

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #01-2022, the presentation of Meghann Brinoni regarding the First Nations Health Authority’s ‘BC First Nations, Métis and Inuit Culture Safety and Humility Standard’ be received for information, and the information provided be referred to the newly created Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Committee.

b)  That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #02-2022, the letter from the Daybreak Rotary Club of Williams Lake dated January 13, 2022 regarding the group no longer organizing the Williams Lake Stampede Parade going forward be received for information, and Council provide a letter thanking the Daybreak Rotary for their many years of service in hosting past parades; and further, that staff be directed to undertake a public process to seek interest from other community groups that may be interested in hosting the parade

8) Council reported out the following from the January 18th, 2022 In-Camera Meeting of Williams Lake City Council:

That Councillors Marnie Brenner, Ivan Bonnell and Scott Nelson be appointed to Council's Indigenous Reconciliation and Relations Committee and that terms of reference for the committee be developed; and further, that this item be brought forward to an open meeting for public information.

Mayor Cobb provided a verbal update on the COVID-19 Pandemic 

Members of Council/CAO provided verbal reports on their recent activities... 

Council adjourned at 6:44pm

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