Friday, February 4, 2022

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - February 4th, 2022 mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner/Vice-Chair J. Massier; Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Forseth, Delainey, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Kirby, Macdonald, Simpson, Bonnell and Pinkney

Meeting called to order at 11:03am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on traditional Northern Secwepemc territory

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Board meeting held on January 14th was received/adopted

Minutes of the Special Board Meeting held on January 19th, 2022 was received/adopted

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Bachmeier (Area "B") 

Delegations Memorandum of Business was received by the Board


Development Services:

1) At the request of Director Forseth (Area D) -- consideration of Central Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5357, 2021 was deferred until the February 25th, 2022 Board Meeting until the Area "D" Advisory Planning Commission can provide its' recommendation on the re-zoning application (Area D/1561 Kitsul Rd)

2) The Board gave 1st/2nd Readings to South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5358, 2021 and adoption be subject to the applicant providing proof of application for a commercial access permit to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (Area G/5501 Park Dr)

3) The Board gave 1st/2nd Readings to South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5362, 2021 (Area L/6344 Green Lake North Road)

4) Following a Public Hearing -- the Board gave 3rd Reading to Central Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5338, 2021 (Area D/5131 Cariboo Highway 97)

5) The Board gave adoption to South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5340, 2021 and that correspondence regarding the associated Cannabis Application - C2149, be submitted to the BC Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch with a recommendation for approval for the following reasons: The proposal is compliant with Cariboo Regional District Zoning Bylaw No. 3501, 1999; has been considered against the CRD Non-Medical Cannabis Retail Sales Policy; and will have minimal impact on surrounding residences and businesses (Area L/7109 Lakes Blvd)

6) The Board approved Development Permit #67-2021 (Area A/1265 Sam Toy Avenue)

7) The Board received a report from the Mgr. of Planning Services concerning Nazko First Nation’s addition to reserve application and directed that a Letter of Support be authorized, as requested


1) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of January 2022, in the amount of $1,894,888.26


1) The Board approved the following NCLGA Resolutions to go forward to the 2022 NCLGA/North Central Local Government Association's AGM/Convention in Fort St John in May 2022

* Stable Funding for the Forest Enhancement Society of BC
* Parental Leave for Elected Officials

2) The Board received a request from the District of Lillooet to support the points brought up in the BC Wildfire Petition 

3) The Board received information from the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Marketing Association pertaining to the renewal process for their Municipal and Regional District Tax

Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received minutes from meetings of the following Committees/Commission:

* North Cariboo Joint Committee meeting, held December 14th, 2021
* South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting, held January 10, 2022
South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting, held January 10, 2022
North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting, held January 11, 2022
Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting, held January 26, 2022
Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting, held January 26, 2022

2) The Board endorsed recommendations from the above-noted meetings, as follows:

a) South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus

South Cariboo Committee Appointments for 2022

b) Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus

* Central Cariboo-Chilcotin Committee Appointments for 2022 

c) Central Cariboo Joint Committee 

Williams Lake Cycling Club’s application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Recreation Infrastructure Program (Fox Mountain Trail)

* Appointments to the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society Fee for Service Management Committee (refer back to Central Cariboo Joint Committee at request of Director Forseth (Area "D")

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Directors Bonnell and Richmond (Williams Lake/Area "G") 

d) North Cariboo Joint Committee 

* SD28 Lease Agreement - former Parkland School
* Next Quesnel Pool Referendum - held by April 30th, 2023

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION (Pool Referendum date): Director Glassford (Area "I") 

Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:09pm
Meeting resumed at 12:50pm

Corporate Bylaws:

1) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to Gateway Water System Service Boundary Expansion Bylaw No. 5356, 2022 

2) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption to Cariboo Regional District Water Rates Bylaw No. 5363, 2022 (Areas A,E,F,G,H,K,L)

2) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption to the following Bylaws:

Lac La Hache Sewer Management Amendment Bylaw No. 5364, 2022 
Wildwood Sewer Management Amendment Bylaw No. 5365, 2022
Alexis Creek Sewer Management Amendment Bylaw No. 5367, 2022 
Red Bluff/Dragon Lake Sewer Management Amendment Bylaw No. 5368, 2022

At the request of Director Forseth (Area "D") -- consideration of Pine Valley Sewer Management Amendment Bylaw No. 5366, 2022 was deferred to the March 18th, 2022 Board meeting in order to complete Public Consultation with the Pine Valley Sewer System users 

3) The Board adopted Cariboo Regional District Lone Butte Fire Protection Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 5360, 2022 

Director's Requests:

1) The Board was notified of the upcoming appointment of the 2022-23 NCLGA/North Central Local Gov't Association's regional representative for the Cariboo Region of NCLGA.  This matter will be formally considered at the March 18th, 2022 Board Meeting

2) The Board received the written report of the Board Chair outlining her recent activities for the period ending February 2nd, 2022

A Board Roundtable was held outlining the recent activities of Electoral Area and Municipal Directors' 

Closed Board Session:

At 1:21pm -- the Board recessed its' Open Session and convened an In-Camera Session as per Sections 92 (pass resolution to close meeting in open session) and 90 (1a and 1j - appointment and information prohibited from public disclosure), of the Community Charter

At 2:38pm -- the Board resumed its' Open Meeting and adjourned

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