Friday, March 18, 2022

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - March 18th mtg

Present - Chair M. Wagner/Vice-Chair J. Massier; Directors Sjostrom, Forseth, Delainey, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Kirby, Mernett, Macdonald, Simpson, Bonnell and Pinkney

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on traditional Northern Secwepemc territory

Meeting Agenda adopted 
Minutes of the Board meeting held on February 25th, 2022 was received/adopted

Delegations MOB was received


1) The Board gave 1st/2nd readings to South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5369, 2022 for property at 5273 Evergreen Drive/Area "G"

2) The Board gave 1st/2nd readings to Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5371, 2021 and  South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5372, 2021 for property at 8117 Bridge Lake North Road in Area "L"

3) Following a Public Hearing -- the Board agreed to the following amendment, in respect of  South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5345, 2021 as follows:


Bylaw No. 3501, 1998 (South Cariboo Area Zoning Bylaw) of the Cariboo Regional District is amended by:

  1. Including Section into Schedule “A” as follows:

  Special Exception RR 3-7 Zone (3360-20/20210044)


    Notwithstanding any other provisions of this bylaw to the contrary, on lands zoned RR 3-7 where the property lot lines are adjacent to lands contained within the subdivision Plan KAP20594, or any subdivision thereof:


    1. REQUIRED YARDS (minimum): = 7.6 metres (24.9 feet)


All other provisions of the RR 3 zone shall apply.

  1. Rezoning Lot 3, District Lot 3720, Lillooet District, Plan 27014 from Rural 1 (RR 1) zone to Special Exception RR 3-7 zone; and


  2. Amending Schedule “C” accordingly.

And that Bylaw #5345, 2021 be read a 3rd time, as amended & that the full application fee of $1,900.00 be refunded to the applicant for File No. 3360-20/20210044, due to extenuating circumstances in accordance with CRD Application Fees Policy PL4.2 (Policy #11-06A-13)

(Area L/7515 Gauthier Road)

4) The Board approved the following, in respect of DVP #63-2021 for property at 8130 Lower Stack Road in Area "L":

i) That the request to increase the maximum combined gross floor area from 400 square metres (4,306 square feet) to 648.09 square metres (6,976 square feet) to legalize the existing ancillary structures be approved and; 

ii) That the request to vary section 5.18.2 (b) iii) of the South Cariboo Area Zoning Bylaw No. 3501, 1999 to decrease the minimum interior side yard setback from 7.6 metres (24.9 feet) to 4.57 metres (15 feet) be approved

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION (Item ii): Directors' Wagner, Massier, Sjostrom, Richmond (Areas A,C,G,H)

Director B. Bachmeier entered the meeting at 10:49am

5) The Board approved Temporary Use Permit #3-2022 for property at 5882 Hilltop Road in Area "H", subject to 3 conditions - click here

6) The Board rejected a request of the  Agricultural Development Advisory Committee for the ability to appoint alternate members

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Massier (Area "C") 

7) The Board agreed to place a Notice of Title in Area "C" on land legally described as Lot 2, Plan PGP41114, District Lot 8621, Cariboo Land District

8) The Board approved a request of Director Sjostrom (Area A) for up to $10,000 of Rural Feasibility Funds to  undertake some preliminary analysis towards a street light solution for the residents of Gook Road and surrounding area within Red Bluff

9) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of February 2022, in the amount of $1,749,412.71

10) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of March 18th, 2022

11) The Board received a letter from UBCM concerning the Province of BC's response to the Cariboo Regional District's 2021 UBCM resolution regarding access to broadband and cellular services

12) The Board received the following Minutes from its' Committees or Commission

a) February 23rd meeting of Central Cariboo Joint Committee - At request of Director Forseth, minutes referred back to Central Cariboo Joint Committee for review

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Bonnell (City of Williams Lake)

b) February 24th meeting of Policy Committee
c) February 24th meeting of Finance/Budget Committee 
d) March 8th meeting of North Cariboo Rural Caucus
e) March 9th meeting of Emergency Preparedness Committee

The Board also endorsed recommendations from the above noted Committees', as follows;

a) Central Cariboo Joint Committee - click here

b) Policy Committee - 5 Recommendations

i) Outdated Planning Policies - click here
ii) Fire Protection Service Boundary Policy - click here
iii) Steel Shipping Containers as Building Components Policy/Rescinding Policy -- click here
iv)  Private Sewerage System Requirements and Procedures for Construction Projects - click here
v) Connectivity Committee/Remuneration -- "That the CRD's new Connectivity Committee be remunerated as a Select Committee, which allows for travel expenses only"

c) North Cariboo Rural Caucus - Appointments to Community Committees in 2022 - click here
d) Emergency Preparedness Committee - 2 Recommendations:

i) That investigating the feasibility of a Regional Emergency Program be added to the Emergency Program priorities list.

ii) That the agenda item summary from Stephanie Masun, Emergency Program Manager, dated March 3, 2022, regarding the Emergency Program Strategic Review and Development of Priority Actions, be received. Further, that the action plan be referred to staff for development and establishment of priorities.

13) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption to the following Bylaws:

i)  Pine Valley Sewer Management Amendment Bylaw No. 5366, 2022
ii) Cariboo Regional District Water Services Management Amendment Bylaw No. 5373, 2022
iii) Cariboo Regional District 2022 Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 5378, 2022

14) At the request of Director Delainey (Area E) -- the Board approved her request of up to $500 from Electoral Area E Director Initiative Funds to pay the cost of her virtual participation in the 2022 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Convention

15) The Board re-appointed Director Delainey (Area E) as its' Regional Representative to the NCLGA Board for the 2022-23 term and that Director LeBourdais be appointed as the alternate rep to the NCLGA Board on behalf of the Cariboo Regional District Board 

16) The Board approved COVID-19 Safe Restart (2nd Round) funds for Electoral Areas, as follows:

Area "A":

* North Cariboo Seniors' Council -- $500
* Alexandria Community Association - $4,000
* Kersley Community Association - $5,000
* Quesnel Heritage Association - $1,500 

Area "B":

* North Cariboo Seniors' Council -- $500
* Pet Safe Coalition - $3,000
* Bouchie Lake Community Association - $2,000
* Bouchie Lake Volunteer Firefighters Association - $500

Area "C":

* North Cariboo Seniors' Council -- $500

Area "I":

* North Cariboo Seniors' Council -- $500

Area "K:

* Alexis Creek Community Club - $1,500
* Big Creek Community Club - $1,500

18) The Board approved submitting Late NCLGA Resolutions covering the following topics:

* Rural Medical Doctor Locum Funding
* Mental Health Crisis

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Forseth (Area "D") 

The Board received a report of Chair Wagner concerning her recent activities on behalf of the Regional District... 

At 2:53pm -- the Board recessed its' Open Session and convened a Closed (In-Camera) Board Session, as per Sections 92 and 90(1a,c,e,i,j,k,l - appointment, labour, land, legal advice, information prohibited from public disclosure, negotiations and preparation of annual report) as well as Section 90(2b - confidential negotiations between provincial/federal government, local government and a 3rd Party) all of the Community Charter

At 3:13pm-- the Board resumed its' Open Session

The Board adjourned at 3:19pm

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