Tuesday, March 8, 2022

International Women's Day 2022


Today is International Women's Day whose origins date back in 1911 - more background here

The international campaign's theme for 2022 is Break the Bias while the Government of Canada's theme for International Women's Day 2022 is Women Inspiring Women

On this day, let's remember:

* Equal Pay for Equal Work of Equal Value -- Men stay get paid twice/thrice more than women for the same job

* Inequality for opportunity for women when it comes to executive or political level positions but recognize we have made baby steps in the right direction

* Gender Bias against women/girls still remains in Society today and we need to work on that

But here in the Cariboo-Chilcotin -- let's recognize the significant role that women play -- whether in civil society or in the political realm and let's level the playing field so there are equal opportunities for both women/men to equally play a role... 

Finally - I think all the women I get to work with at the Cariboo Regional District.  7 of our 16 Board Directors are women including our Board Chair in Margo Wagner.  But down from the high of 9/16 Directors being women just a short few years ago (2011-2014 CRD Board of Directors).  I'm equally appreciative of the Area "D" Alternate Director, Ms. Phyllis Webstad, and the advice/guidance is provides me as the Cariboo RD Area "D" Director and I hope Alternate Director Webstad may decide to take the next step to run for a position on the Cariboo Regional District Board in the future.... 


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