Thursday, March 10, 2022

Pine Valley Sewer System - User Fee Increase Public Consultation Mtg

Last night - Cariboo RD Area "D" Director Steve Forseth held a virtual Public Consultation Meeting, via MS Teams, in regards to an upcoming user fee increase to the Pine Valley Sewer System - one of 5 sewer systems operated by the Cariboo Regional District and one of 2 within Area "D" of the Regional District - these being Wildwood Sewer and Pine Valley Sewer

Attendees included:

Cariboo Regional District - Mgr. of Environmental Services C. Boulet and Chief Financial Officer K. Erickson

City of Williams Lake - P. Mahood, Mgr. of Public Works

Pine Valley Sewer users - 3

Following the PowerPoint presentation (click here) - a Question and Answer period ensued and Director Forseth thanked all attendees for attending the virtual meeting 

Next Steps:

A form letter will be sent to all users of the Pine Valley Sewer System from the Cariboo Regional District informing them of the upcoming user fee increase 

Then in the month of April - the Regional District Board will consider 1st, 2nd, 3rd Reading and Adoption of Pine Valley Sewer Management Amendment Bylaw No. 5366, 2022 which then implements the new user fee for Pine Valley Sewer of $534 


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