Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Quesnel Council Highlights - March 1st mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

6:00 p.m. Public Hearing - Proposed Bylaw #1917

Pursuant to s.464 o the Local Government Act, Council held a Public Hearing to amend the following: Proposed City of Quesnel Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1917 of 2022. [A bylaw to amend the City of Quesnel Zoning Bylaw No. 1880 of 2019]

To rezone a vacant lot along Gook Road, legally known as Lot B District Lot 6677 Cariboo District Plan 33809, from RR-1 (Residential Reserve) to CR-1 (Country Residential). A subdivision application is currently in process to create nine (9) serviced lots.

Delegation - Northern Health, Quesnel Health Services

Health Service Administrator - Quesnel, Daryl Petsul, and Northern Health colleagues provided Council with an update on Quesnel's overdose response. To address the increase in overdose deaths funding and new resources are rapidly being offered by the province, which the regional team is implementing on unprecedented timelines.

Northern Health's current overdose prevention priorities are:

  • Expansion of overdose prevention services
  • In-reach overdose prevention services and intervention
  • Expansion of Opioid Agonist Therapy services
  • Prescription alternative program implementation
  • Virtual Resources
  • RN/RPN Prescribing to ensure timely intervention
  • Increased engagement with end users (peers) to ensure high functioning services are implemented

Facade Improvement Grant Program - 2021 Projects

Planning Technician Hunter updated Council on the completed projects for 2021.

  • The City of Quesnel provided $7,812.20 of funding to two businesses under the Northern Development Initiative Trust’s (NDIT) 2021 Façade Improvement Program.
  • The past two years of the program has seen a decline in completed projects and funds awarded likely in part, due to the impacts of Covid-19 on local businesses and contractor shortage.
  • The City has received approval from NDIT for a $20,000 Façade Improvement Grant Program for 2022 and is currently accepting applications.


Energy Step Code

Chief Building Official Hicks, provided Council an update on the Energy Step Code, which was adopted by the Province in April 2017 and, the fist mandate by the province is the adoption of Step 3 requirements into the Code by December 2022.

The province has requested municipalities inform when they begin consultation and any plans to regulate or incentivize the Energy Step Code.

Council approved, the following:

  1. Roll-out the education and information necessary to allow the industry to succeed in the upcoming provincially mandated Energy Step Code 3 requirements;
  2. Inform the province that the City has initiated education and consultation; and
  3. Work on identifying opportunities to incentivize builders moving towards higher steps.

SAVE THE DATE: APRIL 13, 2022. The City is working with the Community Energy on delivering a workshop for Quesnel builders, construction contractors and all businesses involved in building components (window and door installers, etc.). More information to come.

For more information on the Energy Step Code


Council approved the following letters of support:


  • Bylaw 1918 - City of Quesnel General Local Government Election Bylaw 1918 of 2022 - Final Adoption
  • Bylaw 1919 - City of Quesnel Mail Ballot Authorization and Procedure Bylaw 1919 of 2022 - Final Adoption

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