Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Supporting healing for those impacted by St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School

Courtesy of the Prime Minister of Canada:

The finding of unmarked graves near former residential schools across the country is a tragic reminder of the painful and lasting impacts of colonialism, and the important work that remains to be done to advance reconciliation in Canada. The Government of Canada is supporting Survivors, their families, and their communities to address historical wrongs, as well as the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual harms inflicted from residential schools.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and Chief Willie Sellars of Williams Lake First Nation today announced $2.9 million in additional funding to continue supporting healing for First Nations communities in British Columbia whose children were taken from their families and sent to St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School. This funding builds on the $1.4 million that Canada provided earlier this year to help uncover potential burial sites at the former residential school.

This new funding will help the community continue conducting research, including Survivor interviews, to further uncover the truth about what happened at the school and begin the process of healing.

Earlier this year, Williams Lake First Nation released preliminary findings believed to be unmarked graves at the former St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School. Today’s announcement will also support plans for a temporary commemorative structure in the area which will provide a safe place for people to gather and pay their respects. This community-led initiative will help impacted communities continue on their healing journey.

The Government of Canada supports all communities in their efforts to work together to develop an engagement strategy with the more than 50 surrounding First Nations affected by the former residential school. The community-based initiative will incorporate appropriate cultural protocols that reflect the diversity of communities impacted, including cultural healing work and ceremonies for Survivors, families, and communities.

Addressing the harms suffered by residential school Survivors, their families, and their communities is essential to renewing and building Canada’s relationship with Indigenous Peoples. We will continue to support this painful but necessary work across the country to locate unmarked graves, continue to tell the stories of what happened at residential schools, and ensure the appropriate supports are available for communities to heal and commemorate those who never made it home.

Quick Facts

  • Williams Lake First Nation includes a growing population of over 800 registered members who live on reserve in Sugar Cane, in nearby Williams Lake, British Columbia, and across the globe.
  • On January 7, 2022, the Government of Canada announced funding of $1,437,460 for Williams Lake First Nation to undertake work related to burial sites associated with the former St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School, including completing a preliminary investigation that includes interviews with former students and their families, an initial geophysical survey, and the compilation of archival and photographic records related to the disappearances and deaths of First Nations students at this institution.
  • On January 25, 2022, the community of Williams Lake First Nation released preliminary geophysical findings of anomalies believed to be unmarked burial sites at the location of the former St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School. The results revealed 93 ground reflections that require further analysis. Fifty of those reflections are outside the known local cemetery.
  • In August 2021, the Government of Canada announced approximately $321 million in additional support for Indigenous-led, Survivor-centric, and culturally informed initiatives and investments to help Indigenous communities respond and heal from the ongoing impacts of residential schools.
  • In total, the Government of Canada has invested $354.8 million in responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action 72 to 76 to support communities in finding unmarked burial sites at former residential schools and beginning the process of healing.
  • So far, the Government of Canada has supported 70 communities, including 17 in British Columbia for a total of $22.4 million.
  • The Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program provides mental health, emotional, and cultural support services to Survivors of residential schools and their families.
  • National Residential School Crisis Line is available to access emotional and crisis referral services by calling the 24-Hour National Crisis Line at 1-866-925-4419.
  • The Hope for Wellness Help Line is also available at 1-855-242-3310 or via the online chat function through their website.

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