Tuesday, March 22, 2022

World Water Day 2022


Today is World Water Day. The theme for this year is "Groundwater - Making the Invisible Visible"

The picture is a upward look at the Fraser River at the Rudy Johnson Bridge which is partially in #CaribooRD Area D and part in #CaribooRD Area K

More on this day at https://lnkd.in/d54BTCC2.  In addition, the BC Government speaks on this day as well here

Many water well users in rural areas in BC and indeed in our local Regional District, outside municipalities, rely on groundwater to ensure the viability of a property owner's water well. Unfortunately, since the 2017 Wildfires, I have fielded a number of concerns in Wildwood about water wells running dry and continue to field concerns on Fox Mountain residents' about the state of the aquifer there to sustain property owners already residing there.

This concern has been around since 2012 and will work with Fox Mountain residents' to ensure that their local water supply can be maintained on a sustainable basis - both short, medium and long term....

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