Wednesday, April 13, 2022

April 30th Open House Scheduled for Bouchie and Milburn Lakes Area

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

An open house will be held on April 30th, 2022 for residents and stakeholders in the Bouchie and Milburn Lakes area (Cariboo Regional District Area B) at the Bouchie Lake Community Hall from 10 a.m. -3 p.m. This is an opportunity to review, ask questions and provide comments on the Bouchie-Milburn Neighbourhood Plan which is almost complete.

The Bouchie-Milburn Neighbourhood Plan (BMNP) was developed with extensive input and feedback from the community. By actively engaging with a wide cross-section of Bouchie-Milburn residents, property owners and stakeholders; the BMNP Steering Committee identified the community’s priorities, concerns, and long-term vision for their area.

“It will be great to have an opportunity to engage face-to-face with the community again at the open house on Saturday, April 30th. It is important that a neighbourhood plan is developed by residents who provide input on priorities, concerns, and opportunities for the future”, said Cariboo RD Area "B" Director Barb Bachmeier

This is an opportunity to learn what was identified as priority objectives for the neighbourhood regarding transportation, community amenities, housing, land use, recreation, telecommunications and more.  Come find out about population projections, what services and amenities were identified as top priorities, how much housing supply can be expected in future years, how water quality and the natural environment can be protected, what active transportation routes can improve safety and access to key community destinations, and why the community wants agricultural land uses to be protected.

Come meet Area B CRD Director Barbara Bachmeier and Nigel Whitehead, CRD Manager of Planning Services who are happy to listen to your questions, input and provide any answers during the open house. For those that can not make the open house event, the plan and survey is available online:

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