Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Quesnel Council Highlights - April 5th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Delegation - Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association

Director of Marketing Redpath, provided Council an overview and context to the CCCTA 2018-2023 Municipal Regional District Tax (MRDT) Program Results, the organization's projection for the next five years.  MRDT is a consumer tax applied to short-term accommodation within designated collection areas.  

Council agreed to provide a letter of support to the CCCTA for their MRDT renewal application. Quesnel's inclusion through hotelier participation would see MRDT dollars collected benefiting marketing local tourism.

Quesnel Regional Airport Runway Project Contract Award

Council approved the award of the contract for the Runway 13-31, Taxiway A and Apron I Rehabilitation Project at the Quesnel Regional Airport to Terus Construction Ltd. dba. Quesnel Paving in the amount of $7,881,403.39.

Development Services Update

Community Forest Update

Currently, the Community Forest Agreement (CFA) application is in the area selection; management plan development; and community engagement phase. The next immediate steps underway are setting up a Limited Partnership to manage the CFA; consulting various interested parties adjacent to the community forest proposed area as well as those with overlapping rights/tenure and achieving approval from the Inspector of BC Municipalities.

BIA Levy

Council approved the following grants to the Business Improvement Areas for 2022:

  • Quesnel Downtown Association $69,000
  • South Quesnel Business Association $80,000
  • West Quesnel Business Association $40,000

Spirit Centre Lease Agreement

Council approved a five-year lease agreement with the owner of 101-246 St. Laurent Avenue for continued use of the building currently used as the Spirit Centre office, home to the downtown washrooms, community boardroom, Bylaw services and more.

2022 Asphalt and Road Repairs Contract

The 2022 Asphalt and Road Patching Tender closed on March 17, 2022 with Quesnel Paving being the only bidder. This Contract is for one calendar year (2022) with options of extending the contract with the same pricing for up to two years (2023 and 2024) if mutually agreeable by both parties.

Quesnel Curling Centre Roof Repair Assistance

Council approved the City of Quesnel providing a short-term interest-free loan of up to $132,300 to the Quesnel Curling Club to provide bridge financing for the roofing repair project for the Curling Centre building; with the understanding that the Club will fully reimburse the City for the loan.

Pursuant to Community Charter sections 24(1)(b) and 94, the City will publish notice of its intention to provide a loan to the Quesnel Curling Centre.

Quesnel RV Campground Construction Contract Award

Council approved award of the campground construction to Mass Construction subject to confirmation of meeting all tender submission requirements in the amount of $1,064,535 plus GST with funding coming from Northern Development Initiative Trust, Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program, Gas Tax, and City general capital.


  • 1921 - City of Quesnel Housing Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 1921 of 2022 - Final Adoption
  • 1923 - City of Quesnel Comprehensive Street, Traffic and Parking Amendment Bylaw No. 1923 of 2022 - Final Adoption

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