Thursday, April 7, 2022

Renovate the Public Hearing

Today/Tomorrow -- Cariboo Regional District Area "E" Director, Angie Delainey, as well as others, are participating in a workshop entitled "Renovating the Public Hearing". This is being hosted by the SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue’s Strengthening Canadian Democracy Initiative and funded by the Canadian Housing and Mortgage Corporation’s Housing Supply Challenge and is being held at the SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre in downtown Vancouver, BC 

Those unable to participate in the 2 day workshop will be participating off-line through interviews, both at the elected official and local government staff level. 

I have already had my interview as I was unable to participate in this workshop The discussion guide for this workshop can be viewed at

Meanwhile -- the BC Law Institute has written on the subject of Public Hearings and looking at it from the law point of view. That can be viewed at

I personally am really looking forward to reading the final conclusions of the study from the SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue’s Strengthening Canadian Democracy Initiative regarding local government public hearings'

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