Sunday, May 1, 2022

City of Williams Lake celebrates Emergency Preparedness Week - May 1-7, 2022

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake is celebrating Emergency Preparedness Week May 1-7, and encourages residents to participate.  

Each day throughout the week, the City will be sharing vital interactive tips and procedures on Facebook, Twitter and the City’s website that can help residents be more prepared in the event of a disaster or emergency.

“As our region is aware, emergencies and disasters can occur at any moment and without warning,” said Director of Protective Services Erick Peterson. “With a little preparation you can respond quickly to help yourself and others.”

Peterson said he would like to encourage residents to reflect on their emergency preparedness and to follow the City’s social media posts each day to help further understand the risks in our area, learn how to create a household emergency plan and how to build an emergency kit, for example.

Emergency Preparedness Week tips will include topics such as hazard awareness, steps to take for emergency planning, how to build a household emergency kit, communicating during a disaster, planning and preparing for seniors and those with additional needs and how to properly plan for your pets in the event of an emergency.

For more information, or if you are interested in volunteering to help out locally with Emergency Support Services, contact Dave Dickson, Emergency Support Services Director, at

Stay tuned to our Facebook ( and Twitter (@CityWL) pages, or visit our website at

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