Friday, June 10, 2022

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - June 10th, 2022 mtg

Cariboo RD Board met in Barkerville within the east portion of Area "C" of the Cariboo Regional District and within the shared traditional territories of the Lhtako Dene and Secwepemc Nations'

Present: Chair M. Wagner/Vice-Chair J. Massier; Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Forseth, Delainey, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Kirby, Mernett, Macdonald, Coleman, Bonnell, and Pinkney 

Meeting called to order at 10:13am 

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on traditional Indigenous territory 

Meeting Agenda adopted, as amended (1 Planning Item from Area "L" withdrawn)
Minutes of the Board meeting held on May 19th, 2022 were received/adopted

Delegations Memorandum of Business was received/adopted


1) Development Services

a) The Board dealt with Planning Bylaws as follows:

Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5386, 2022 was read a 1st/2nd time (Area I/Marsh Road)

Alternate Director L. Roodenburg entered the meeting at 10:27am

* At the request of Director Massier (Area C) - consideration of the proposed Rezoning and Official Community Plan application number 3360-20/20220022 at 1352 Webber Road in Electoral Area "C" was deferred for up to 90 days 

South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5390, 2022 was given 1st/2nd readings and the bylaw would be subject to 3 conditions prior to consideration of Adoption (Area L/7736 High Country Road)

Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5391, 2022 was given 1st/2nd readings (Area B/2575 Norwood Road)

Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5392, 2022 & Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5393, 2022 (Area A/1381 Sam Toy Road)

* Following a Public Hearing -- the Board granted 3rd Reading to Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5341, 2021 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5342, 2021 (Area L/Brown Road)

b) Development Variance Permits or Development Permits were considered by the Board, as follows:

* Development Variance Permit for property at 7569 McCarthy Road in Area "L" was rejected as MOTI Staff does not support the proposed DVP as it relates to the proposed setback for the exterior side yard setback

* Development Permit pertaining to Lot 1, District Lot 4456, Lillooet District, Plan KAP56447 (Area L/7250 Texas Rd) was approved with the proviso that a Building Permit be applied for 

c) Temporary Use Permits were considered by the Board as follows:

* Temporary Use Permit for property at 5132 Perkins Road in Area "H" was approved for a 3 year period

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Directors Forseth, Richmond and Macdonald (Areas D, G, L) 

2) Environmental Services

a) The Board authorized Community Works Funds up to $120,000 to complete works in conjunction with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to resolve flooding issues on McKinley Drive in Lac La Hache and that the Board waived its' Policy #2017-11-13, in regard to invitational competition thresholds, and Staff were authorized to direct award the engineering portion of the project to work in conjunction with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to resolve flooding issues on McKinley Drive in Lac La Hache to TRUE Consulting

3) Community Services

a) The Board approved up to $9,000 for the project be approved from the 2022 Community Hall Improvements envelope of the Community Works Fund in order to complete water system improvements at the Big Lake Community Hall in Area "F"

4) Finance

a) The Board approved $1,000 for a Grant to the Puntzi Community Society to purchase a laptop with the source of funds being the Area "J" Grant for Assistance fund

b) The Board approved $1,000 for a Grant to the 108 Mile Ranch Lions Club to complete a Centennial Project with the source of funds being the Area "G" Grant for Assistance fund

c) The Board authorized the 2021 SOFI or Statement of Financial Information Report for public inspection

d) The Board received an update on the status of the Community Works Fund reserve

e) Late Item - The Board approved a $1,000 Grant for Assistance for the Williams Lake Stampede Parade Committee to be divided equally between Areas D,E,F Grant for Assistance funds'

Director Forseth declared a perceived conflict of interest (works at Best Western Williams Lake) on the next item and left the meeting at 11:34am

5) Administration 

a) Request for a letter of support for the renewal of the Regional Municipal Regional District Tax collection program from the Cariboo-Chilcotin-Coast Tourism Association

Director Forseth returned to the meeting at 11:35am

b) The Board discussed meetings with Provincial Government Ministers & Provincial Ministry/Agency Staff at the 2022 UBCM Convention in Whistler, BC and provided direction to Staff 

Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:05pm
Meeting resumed at 12:46pm

c) The Board received the "Consent Calendar" as of June 10th, 2022

d) The Board received a report from the CFO concerning the recently announced Local Government Climate Action program and the funding provided totalling $145,082.00 annually

6) Committee or Commission Minutes

The Board received meeting minutes from its' Committees' and Commissions' as follows:

* North Cariboo Joint Committee - May 17th, 2022
* North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus - May 17th, 2022
* Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus - May 25th, 2022 
* Central Cariboo Joint Committee - May 25th, 2022
* Connectivity Committee - May 25th, 2022
* Anahim Lake Airport Commission - May 26th, 2022
* Policy Committee - May 31st, 2022

7) Committee or Commission Recommendations

The Board endorsed recommendations from its' Committees' or Commissions' as follows:

a) North Cariboo Joint Committee - May 17th, 2022

That the Cariboo Regional District apply to the Federal Strategic Priorities Fund, Capital Infrastructure Projects Stream for the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Service Gymnastics Facility Project, for 100% funding of up to $6 million and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the necessary contribution agreement should the grant application be successful

b) North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus - May 17th, 2022

That the FARMED project be supported with $3,000 in funding to be allocated from the North Cariboo Economic Development Service in 2022, with a possible extension into 2023 following a review of the first year of the project.

That the correspondence from Royal Canadian Legion #94, dated January 27, 2022, requesting a letter of support for the Legion Beach Accessible Dock Project, be received.  Further that a letter of support be provided for the Legion's NDIT application.

c)  Central Cariboo Joint Committee - May 25th, 2022

That the proposed 2022 capital projects for Williams Lake Slo-Pitch League, Williams Lake Soccer Associations, and Williams Lake Minor Fastball be approved, including: the Slo-Pitch League will complete parking lot improvements and danger tree removal along outfield fence lines, the Williams Lake Soccer Associations will install fencing and purchase line painting equipment, and the Williams Lake Minor Fastball will purchase topsoil for field dressing. And further, that $5,000 to each group for the capital projects be approved as allocated in the Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services (CCRLS) budget and business plan for 2022

That an application to the UBCM Strategic Priorities Fund grant program for up to $5,000,000 in funding to support construction of the access road into the Esler Sports Complex and improved onsite parking be submitted. Further, that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the necessary contribution agreement should the grant application be successful

That a five-year Use and Occupancy Agreement be entered into with the Cariboo Disc Golf Club to develop and maintain a public course at the north end of the Esler Sports Complex. Further, that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the agreement and that the Slo-Pitch Use and Occupancy Agreement be amended to remove the overlapping area so it can be made available for the disc golf club

That the advisory commission members for 2022 be appointed as follows: Linda Barbondy for the WL Slo-Pitch League, Brian Hansen for the WL Soccer Associations, Nick Surette for WL Minor Fastball, and Bruce Newbery and Pierre Mayette for the Esler Community Association. And further, that the Esler Recreation Advisory Commission establishment bylaw be amended to include an appointed representative from the Cariboo Disc Golf Club

d) Anahim Lake Airport Commission - May 26th, 2022

That Commissioner Pare be nominated for and be granted the position of Chair of the Anahim Lake Airport Commission for the year 2022

That the proposed Fees and Charges Schedule be received. Further, that the proposed Fees and Charges Schedule be approved as presented to include landing fees for commercial aircraft at $15 per landing of rotary-wing operations and $30 per landing of fixed-wing operations, and to include a Private Hangar license rate, for use and occupancy of land, of $4.00 per square meter of the hangar footprint and a bare land license rate of $2.00 per square meter for license of land under agreement.

That permission be granted to Cora Mueller to construct a taxiway up to 150 feet wide to provide access to the Anahim Lake Airport, subject to Cariboo Regional District approval of a final design plan with site and construction details

e) Policy Committee - May 31st, 2022

That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, dated May 9, 2022, regarding Policy #13-03B-30 Public Special Occasion Liquor Licenses Advertisements Policy, be received. Further, that the aforementioned policy be rescinded.

8) Corporate Bylaws

The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption to the following Corporate Bylaws:

Election and Assent Voting Bylaw No. 5395, 2022
South Cariboo Regional Airport Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 5397, 2022

The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading only to the following Corporate Bylaw:

Cariboo Regional District Gook Road Streetlighting Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5394, 2022 (Area "A") 

9) Directors' Items

a) At the request of Director Massier - Area "C" COVID-19 Funds were allocated as follows:

* $2,500 to the Cottonwood Community Association

b) At the request of Director Delainey - funding of up to $500 was allocated from the Area "E" Director Initiative Fund to permit her to attend an online Robert's Rules of Order – Demystified course

c) At the request of Director Bachmeier - Area "B" COVID-19 Funds were allocated as follows:

* Ten Mile Lake Volunteer Fire Department $500.00

* Baker Creek Community Club $300.00

* Hixon Volunteer Fire Department Society $928.00

The Chair provided a report covering her recent activities 

Members of the Board provided oral reports as to their recent activities

The Board approved appointments to Electoral Area Committees/Commissions at the request of Directors Bachmeier, Sjostrom and Kirby

The Board adjourned at 1:27pm

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