Friday, June 17, 2022

District of 100 Mile House to Acquire Community Hall

Courtesy of the District of 100 Mile House:

The District of 100 Mile House is assuming ownership of the 100 Mile Community Hall and committing to an extensive renovation and upgrade. The decision to take over the hall was made at the June 14, 2022 Council meeting and approved by an unanimous vote. The District has entered into a purchase agreement with the Community Club Society, for a nominal cost of $1.00, to be finalized on September 1, 2022. Ensuring the community has a suitable, cost-effective indoor venue for large, in-person events is one of the project’s primary goals. 

“The District is excited to work with the Community Club Society on this project,” says 100 Mile House Mayor Mitch Campsall. “A multi-use facility in the downtown core is good for our local economy, our residents’ quality of life, and all the groups and individuals who will be able to utilize the space for events.” 

Better, Bigger Venue 

Since 1954 the 100 Mile Community Hall has been owned and operated by the 100 Mile Community Club Society. Society President Linda Jefferson says “the hall has been renovated and updated with grant monies and donations over the years, but the time is right for an ownership change and a major upgrade. We are pleased to have the District of 100 Mile House take over the community hall. Our members are looking forward to seeing, "Our Community Gathering Place" renovated and updated to meet the needs of our growing town.” All current rental rates established by the Community Hall Society shall remain in place. Effective September 1, 2022, bookings for hall use can be done through the District Office. Information on rates, policies, and the history of the hall can be found at

New Home for Murals 

As part of the plan, the Community Hall will be better equipped to host performances, large gatherings, and other live events. Some of the upgrades will include an expanded kitchen, improved meeting facilities, a collapsible stage, new roof and exterior updates, and upgrades to the building’s mechanical systems. Importantly, the district plans to work with representatives of the former 100 Mile Mural Society to ensure the hall’s signature murals are recreated or relocated in new locations. Work is expected to start on the Community Hall upgrades in 2023. Remediation Costs Prohibitive After receiving professional advice regarding cost and feasibility, proposed remediation work on the Lodge and Valley Room will not move forward. Flooding and water ingress to the buildings in recent years has resulted in significant damage. Costs to bring them back up to code (including asbestos removal) are estimated at more than $1 million. However, the Lodge will be preserved as an important piece of the community’s local history and heritage. Rationale Behind Decision Declining membership and revenues for the 100 Mile House Community Hall Society, plus the significant expense to bring the Lodge and Valley Room back up to code are key factors in the decision. The proposed community hall updates offer more space, additional parking, and a convenient downtown location for events and gatherings. 

No Change to Tax Rates 

Existing funds for the project have been identified in the District’s capital budget. No changes to tax rates with this capital project moving forward are anticipated.

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