Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Quesnel Council Highlights - June 7th, 2022 mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Delegation - BC Wildfire Service

Wildfire Prevention Officer Matt Lees from the BC Wildfire Service presented the new wildfire management mapping tool, that shows all of the fuel management activities (historic, current and planned) in the Region. The tool is designed as a “snap-shot” of where we are now, and will eventually be used for tactical planning. This tool will dove-tail with the Community Forest and the Forest Landscape Plan (FLP).

Lhtako Dene Cultural Interpretation Project

Council approved allocation of $300,000 from the COVID-19 Restart Grant toward the Lhtako Dene Cultural Interpretation Project.  

A mixture of interpretative signage and sculpture will be incorporated into our waterfront, describing and depicting the traditional life of the Southern Carrier culture.

Forestry Initiatives Report

The Quesnel and Surrounding Area Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) was published in 2018. To date, 1,016 of the 1,384 hectares (74%) have been assessed and 227 hectares have been fuel managed.

In 2022, we will begin fuel management on Dragon Mountain Road corridor, (within and outside of the Park); Dragon Bluffs; an area south of Dragon Mountain Provincial Park.

BC Transit Annual Operating Agreement

Council approved entering into the 2022/23 Annual Operating Agreement for Quesnel Transit Service with BC Transit;

The municipal share for the service under the agreement is $513,647 and has been included in the City’s operating budget. The City's portion will vary depending on actual costs and revenue.

Development Services Update

Council approved:

Pickleball & Tennis Court Lighting

Council approved funding the West Fraser Timber Park Pickleball & Tennis Court Lighting Project as part of the 2022 capital plan, with a contribution of $13,000 coming from the Quesnel Pickleball Club and the balance of funding coming from the reallocation of funds from a deferred project in the capital plan.

Grant Update

Council approved:

Dragon Hill Reservoir Replacement Contract

Council approved award of the contract for the Dragon Hill Reservoir Replacement to Canadian Western Mechanical Ltd. in the amount of $1,573,115.00 plus GST with funding coming from water reserves.

Quesnel Bike Park Scope Change

Council approved allocation of $95,000 from Gas Tax Reserves for the scope change to the Quesnel Bike Park to include an intermediate/advanced paved pump track.

The intermediate/advanced pump track will be designed to still be enjoyed by beginner riders, while offering progressive consistency that will appeal to every skill level. With the development of three key mountain bike areas (Dragon Mountain, Wonderland, and the Quesnel Bike Park) Quesnel is becoming a riding destination.

Correspondence - Single-use plastic ban request

In response to correspondence received from the community, Council directed Staff to bring a report, outlining best practices for a single-use plastic ban, which will include Federal, Provincial and Municipal considerations and take into account the ramifications for local small businesses.

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