Tuesday, June 21, 2022

WL Council Highlights - June 21st, 2022 mtg

Meeting Video here

Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll, Smith

Meeting called to order at 6pm

The Mayor recognized that the meeting was taking place on the original homeland of Northern Secwepemc (Shuswap) peoples and he also recognized that June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day that celebrates, recognizes, and honours First Nations, Métis, and Inuit cultures across Canada.

Meeting Agenda was approved
Minutes of the Williams Lake City Council meeting held on June 7th, 2022 was received/adopted


1) Austin Tate, Marie Sharpe Elementary School PAC appeared before Council to Request to Paint Crosswalk at Third Avenue and Cameron Street Intersection

Following a presentation -- A Question/Answer period ensued

The Mayor thanked the delegation for their time/information

Resolved -- That the proposal from the Marie Sharpe Elementary School Parent Advisory Council dated June 15, 2022 requesting authorization to paint the crosswalk adjacent to the school located at the intersection of Third Avenue and Cameron Street be received and Council approve their request and proposed design in principle, subject to the Marie Sharpe Elementary School PAC committing to covering the costs of future project maintenance, and direct Staff to work with the group to coordinate project installation during summer 2022.

2) Billie Sheridan, WLPS Chief Parade Organizer appeared before Council to discuss the Annual Pride in the Puddle Parade & Festival - August 20, 2022

Following a presentation -- A Question/Answer period ensued

The Mayor thanked the delegation for their time/information

Resolved -- That pursuant to the request of the Williams Lake Pride Society in their letter dated June 8, 2022, approval be given for the 2022 Pride in the Puddle Parade scheduled for Saturday, August 20, 2022 beginning at 8:30 PM, along the route as outlined, subject to RCMP approval and proof of $3 million liability insurance saving the City harmless, and the Lakers Go Bus Society and Emergency Services be so advised; and further, the WLPS be requested to coordinate barricades for this event with City Staff


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated June 9, 10 and 16, 2022

2) Council approved the joint application from the City of Williams Lake, City of Quesnel and District 100 Mile House to the UBCM ‘Community Emergency Preparedness Fund’ Extreme Heat Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning Grant Stream for a total project budget of $90,000.00; and further, that Council authorize the City of Williams Lake to receive the funds and report back to UBCM, per the terms of agreement, should the application be successful

3) Council approved the application to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities’ ‘Canada Community – Building Fund’ Capital Infrastructure Stream for the Well 6 Replacement Project for the amount of $2,130,000.00

4) Council received for information the residential taxation comparison information from Councillor I. Bonnell

5) Following a public input period -- Council approved Development Variance Permit No. 06-2022 at 19A Second Avenue South

6) Following a public input period -- Council approved the 2021 Annual Report of the City of Williams Lake

7) Council received the report of the Public Hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2357 held May 24, 2022

8) Council approved the 2022/2023 Annual Operating Agreement with BC Transit

9) Council received a report of the Deputy Corporate Officer advising it of an amendment to the 2022 Council Meeting Schedule to move the Regular Meeting of Council originally scheduled for September 13th forward to September 20th

10) Council received a memorandum from Councillor Bonnell concerning a summary of the June 10, 2022 Cariboo Regional District Board Meeting and agreed to a request of Councillor Bonnell to invite representatives from the St. Vincent De Paul Society to present their request for extension of convention transit into Cariboo RD Area "D" (Comer Hill/Soda Creek Road) for Council's consideration

11) Council awarded the request for proposal for the Cemetery Irrigation Upgrades at the Williams Lake Cemetery to TGK Irrigation Ltd. for $241,983.00, including applicable taxes, with $5,460.00 of this amount to be drawn from general revenue

12) Council authorized staff to re-tender the purchase of the Road Crush project with revised quantities

13) Council awarded the request for proposal for the purchase of one 2022/2023 Wheel Loader to Inland Kenworth Ltd. for the purchase price of $334,600.00, including all applicable taxes

14) Council awarded the request for proposal for the purchase of one (1) Tandem Axle Dump Truck to First Truck Centre Prince George for the purchase price of $387,360.96 (plus a potential $12,000 surcharge), including all applicable taxes, and approve the use of savings from previous capital fleet purchases and prior periods’ general revenue accumulated surpluses to fund the amount above the $350,000 allocated budget

15) Council approved the new Municipal Facilities Code of Conduct Policy that will come into effect immediately, replacing Council Policy 220; and further, that Council authorize the Director of Community Services to communicate this new Policy to Residents, User Groups, Rental Agencies and the General Public on behalf of the municipality

16) Upon a recommendation from the Accessibility Advisory Committee -- Council agreed to provide a letter endorsing the Seniors Activity Centre's taking on local administration of the SparcBC Parking Permit Program for People with Disabilities in Williams Lake

17) Council received for information a report of the Community Safety Coordinator dated June 15, 2022 regarding the BC Housing temporary shelter contract at the Hamilton Hotel on 6th Avenue and a follow up report by September be provided to Council on the status of the homeless shelter at the Hamilton Hotel on 6th Avenue including a possible meeting with BC Housing

18) Council directed Staff not to award the request for proposal for aerodrome security services, as the RFP (2) were significantly over the allocated budget for this item

19) Council adopted the following Bylaws:

a) Business License Bylaw No. 2365, 2022
b) Sign Bylaw No. 2360, 2022
c) Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw No. 2361, 2022
d) Good Neighbour Amendment Bylaw No. 2362, 2022

20) Council endorsed a recommendation from a previously held Committee of the Whole meeting, as follows:

Housing Incentives:

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #13-2022, the report of the Planning Analyst dated May 16, 2022 be received and staff be directed to prepare a further report (and potential bylaw changes) that encourage residential density in the City of Williams Lake, including: 

1. Amending the City's Zoning Bylaw to authorize carriage homes broadly across applicable residential zones, 

2. Potential spot zoning of specific properties where densification opportunities are identified, 

3. Options to address evolving climate change related building requirements and encourage development, and 

4. Investigating parking considerations in the downtown core to better encourage residential/commercial developments

21) Council received the minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting held May 25, 2022

22) Council received a letter from the Federal Official Opposition Critics, for Rural Economic Development and Rural Broadband Strategy dated June 2022 requesting submission of the City of Williams Lake's three most important issues impacting economic development as a rural community and that Council put forward the following 5 priority regarding economic development as a rural community, as follows:

a) Infrastructure Funding
b) Reduction of Federal Red Tape
c) Banks to ensure equality of communities smaller than 20,000 in population
d) Certainty of Ownership of Crown Land in British Columbia
e) Rural Cell Coverage

23) Late Items - 

a) UBCM Grant Application for Wastewater Treatment Plant Assessment

"Council approved an application for funding, including engineering and environmental studies required for planning capital works, for the Williams Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant Assessment project under the UBCM ‘Canada Community-Building Fund / Strategic Priorities Fund’ – 2022 Capacity Building Stream"

b) CC Care Group Request for Council to Invest Annually Towards Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation - Indigenous Relations/Reconciliation Committee Report #05-2022

"Council received Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Committee Report #05-2022, and City Staff were requested to bring forward a report to Council on options for providing additional resources to enhance Indigenous relations and reconciliation, including financing options, potential models and timelines"

c) Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Standing Committees and Forums Application - Councillor Brenner

"Council agreed to endorse Councillor Brenner to stand for selection on FCM’s standing committees and forums for the period starting in June 2022 and ending June 2023; and that Council will assume all costs associated with Councillor Brenner attending FCM’s Board Meetings from September 13-15, 2022, in November 2022, and in March 2023"

d) Letter from Williams Lake First Nation re Council to Council Discussion

"Council received for information a letter from the Williams Lake First Nation dated June 17, 2022 regarding setting up of a Council to Council discussion meeting on several items of joint interest, together with the original letter sent to the WLFN by the City dated May 26, 2022 and the City reply graciously accepting the proposed meeting date and offer to cover the cost of the dinner"

24) Council received the Council Information Package as of June 21st, 2022 

Council received an update regarding activities in the City of Williams Lake Emergency Operations Centre

Members of Council and the CAO provided verbal reports as to their recent updates 

Council agreed to adjourn at 8:14pm

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