Tuesday, June 7, 2022

WL Council Highlights - June 7th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, and Nelson

Meeting called to order - 6:01pm

Mayor Cobb recognized that the City of Williams Lake is situated on the original homelands and traditional territory of the Secwepemc (Shuswap) people

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Council meetings held on May 12th (Special), May 24th (Special) and May 24th (Regular) were received and adopted


1) Willie Dye & John Dell, Williams Lake Stampede Parade Committee appeared before Council to discuss the Stampede Fun Meter along with a video presentation

A Question/Answer period ensued, following the delegation's presentation

Mayor Cobb thanked the delegation for their time/information


1) Council received for information the Cheque Listing and EFT Listings for the period of May 26, June 2 and 3, 2022

2) Council received a letter from the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development – Recreation Sites and Trails Branch dated May 25, 2022 requesting the City to consider the donation of a second surplus railcar bridge from the Williams Lake River Valley Trail to the Gold Rush Snowmobile Trail and agreed to the request

3) Council received a Zoning Amendment application for property at 2012 Mackenzie Avenue North; directed that 1st/2nd Readings be given to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2368, 2022 and finally directed that a Public Hearing for Bylaw #2368, 2022 be scheduled for July 5, 2022 at 6pm in Williams Lake Council Chambers

4) Council directed that City of Williams Lake Sign Bylaw No. 2360, 2022, City of Williams Lake Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw No. 2361, 2022 and City of Williams Lake Good Neighbour Amendment Bylaw No. 2362, 2022 - be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings

5) Council approved entering into the proposed license of occupation agreement with Chilcotin Estates Enterprises Ltd., Inc. No. BC0420169 (D.B.A. Red Shreds) for a façade and roof overhang encroaching on the dedicated lane and sidewalk at 95 First Avenue South, legally described as Lot 7, Block 12, District Lot 71, Cariboo District, Plan 1553

6) Council received correspondence between Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board Chair Bob Simpson and Councillor Bonnell and directed that Council review & discuss the City of Williams Lake's relationship with the Cariboo Regional District & Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District at a future Committee of the Whole Council meeting

7) Council received for information the report of the Recovery Coordinator dated May 26, 2022 regarding a response to the inquiry from local students Ella Kruus and Julia Zirnhelt on the City of Williams Lake's climate change action plan and City Staff were directed to bring a report back to a future Committee of Whole Council meeting reviewing the tools the City could adopt to meet its climate change action commitments

8) Council awarded the Pavement Rehabilitation 2022 contract to Peters Bros Construction Ltd. for the total construction tender amount of $1,296,805.13, excluding GST, for a total paving project value of $1,459,759.16 with paving-related utility works, contingency and engineering and that Staff be given discretion to proceed with $200,000 of additional works to the maximum of the budget authorized for Pavement Rehabilitation in 2022

9) Council awarded the Waterworks 2022 contract to Morben Construction Ltd. for the total construction tender amount of $275,100.66, excluding GST, for a total saddle project value of $274,394.00 with contingency and engineering, less the portion of the tender to be allocated to the paving project budget.

10) Council adopted the following Bylaws:

Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2367, 2022 
General Local Government Election Bylaw No. 2364, 2022

11) Council received the event information for the City of Williams Lake Accessibility Advisory Committee's 'Access Awareness Day' event held Saturday, June 4, 2022 at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex, with funding provided by SparcBC

12) Council received a letter from the Tl'etinqox Government dated May 30, 2022 regarding the Annual Tl'etinqox / Tsilhqot'in Stampede Horse and Bike Ride taking place from June 25 to 29, 2022 from Tl'etinqox to Williams Lake

13) Council granted permission for Cariboo GM's 9th Annual Soap Box Derby on Thursday, June 16, 2022 from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM on Fourth Avenue from the top of the Barnard Street intersection to Mackenzie Avenue South

14) Council received the "Council Information Package" of June 7th, 2022

15) Late Item #1 - Council approved the 2022 Stampede Street Party taking place on Saturday, July 2, 2022 immediately following the Stampede Parade

16) Late Item #2 - Council approved the 2022 Stampede Parade to take place on Saturday, July 2nd, 2022 at 10am and that the community be encouraged to attend

Emergency Operations Centre and COVID-19 updates was provided to Council
      Members of Council provided verbal reports on their recent activities

      Motion to Proceed to Closed Council (In-Camera) Session - 7:03pm:

      That Council now resolve into a Closed Meeting, following adjournment of the Open Meeting of Council, according to Section 92 of the Community Charter for discussion of items identified under Section 90 (1) (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interest of the municipality, and (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interest of the municipality if they were held in public
      Council adjourned its' Open Meeting at 7:04pm



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