Friday, August 12, 2022

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - August 12th mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner; Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Forseth, Delainey, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Kirby, Mernett, Macdonald, Coleman, Bonnell and Pinkney  

Meeting called to order at 10:00am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional, unceded and ancestral lands of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw

Meeting Agenda adopted with 1 Late Item (Quesnel/Williams Lake LiDAR Study Information Release Policy)

Minutes of the previous Cariboo Regional District Board meeting held July 8th, 2022 were received/adopted

The Board received the Delegations Memorandum of Business as at August 12th, 2022


1) Development Services

a) The following Planning Bylaws were given 1st/2nd readings concurrently:

* Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5388, 2022 and Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5389, 2022 (Area C/1352 Webber Road)

* Central Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5399, 2022 (Area F/1211 Desautel Road)

South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5400, 2022 (Area G/Easzee Drive)

South Cariboo Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5403, 2022 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5404, 2022 (Area H/3973 and 3983 Ruth Lake Road) subject to 5 conditions

North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5405, 2022 (Area I/Kluskus Forest Service Road)

b) The Board (Planning Service Stakeholders) agreed that the full application fee of $1,400.00 be refunded to the applicant for File No. 3360-20/20220045, due to extenuating circumstances in accordance with the CRD Application Fee Policy PL2.2 (Policy #11-06A-13)

c) At the request of Area "D" Director S. Forseth -- the Board deferred consideration of a Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for a non-adhering residential use, pertaining to Lot 1, District Lot 6349 and 9173, Cariboo District, Plan BCP17165 to its' September 1st meeting until the Area "D" Advisory Planning Commission has had time to meet and provide a recommendation to the Regional Board

d) The Board approved Temporary Use Permit #68-2022 (Area I/West Fraser Road)

e) Late Item - The Board approved the new Quesnel, Williams Lake and Surrounding Fringe Areas LiDAR Study Release Policy, as presented

2) Environmental Services

a) The Board received a report of the Chief Financial Officer in regards to a budget amendment for the Lac La Hache Sewer system and the Lac La Hache Water system and an additional allotment of Community Works Funds to cover the additional costs of the McKinley Drive infrastructure locates and the Board agreed to an amendment to the budget for a transfer of $20,000 from each of the Lac La Hache Sewer and Lac La Hache Water to cover the additional cost be approved and further, that an additional allocation of up to $20,000 of Community Works Funds be approved to cover any additional costs.

3) Emergency Program Services

a) The Board received a report of the Manager of Emergency Programs regarding a successful application to the UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund

4) Finance

a) The Board received a report from the Chief Financial Officer concerning 2022 Cariboo Regional District Second Quarter Financial Reports

b) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Cheque Register of July 2022 totalling $3,128,915.42

c) The Board authorized a grant of $5,500 as platinum sponsorship towards the 2022 Williams Lake First Nation's "Telling Our Truth" Pow-Wow event being held on September 9-11 

5) Administration

a) The Board authorized Staff to author and submit a late UBCM Resolution in regards to requesting that UBCM (Union of BC Municipalities) work with the federal government to ensure that all levels of local government are at least consulted for input when hiring RCMP Detachment Commanders, and that Indigenous Communities should be availed the opportunity to have a representative at the table when the interview is occurring

b) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of August 12th, 2022 and directed that a response be provided to Reanne Sanford's email regarding the Regional District's participation in the Quesnel Community Forest and to refer her to 3 Rivers (Quesnel) Community Forest Group

c) The Board received the email invitation dated August 3, 2022 , from Brigit Schmidt, Director, MUI UBCM Convention Coordinator, Local Government Division, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, regarding an update to the UBCM Provincial Appointment Book

6) Corporate Bylaws

a) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to Cariboo Regional District Economic Development Services' Merge Bylaw #5398, 2022

Discussion suspended until after lunch


Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Lorne Doerksen appeared before the Board to provide an update

A Question/Answer period ensued following MLA Doerksen's presentation 

Chair Wagner, on behalf of the Board, thanked MLA Doerksen for his time/information

Board recessed for lunch at 12:30pm
Board resumed its' meeting at 1:15pm

Closed Board Session

At 1:15pm -- the Board recessed to a Closed Board Session (In-Camera) as per Sections 90(1)(a) and (c) [appointment/labour] of the Community Charter 

At 2:38pm -- the Board resumed its' open meeting and recessed for a bio break

At 2:42pm  -- the Board resumed its' open meeting

Business, cont:
Corporate Bylaws, cont:

The Board resumed consideration of the motion of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to Cariboo Regional District Economic Development Services' Merge Bylaw #5398, 2022

At the request of Area "E" Director A. Delainey - the Board agreed to defer consideration of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to Cariboo Regional District Economic Development Services' Merge Bylaw #5398, 2022 until local government elections in October 

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Directors Bachmeier, Macdonald and Coleman (Areas B,L and District of Wells)

b) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and adopted the following Corporate Bylaws:

Forest Grove Legion Property Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 5406, 2022

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director S. Forseth (Area "D")

South Cariboo Recreation Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 5407, 2022

7) Requests from Board Directors'

a) The Board considered and agreed to a request from Area "A" Director Sjostrom to allocate $838.00 from the COVID-19 Smart Restart Funds to the City of Quesnel for the purchase of training equipment for use in the Red Bluff Firehall

At the request of Directors' Bachmeier and Wagner- appointments were made to Electoral Area Commissions'

The Board adjourned at 3:04pm

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