Monday, August 29, 2022

City of WL Manager of Finance retires

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

After a 34-year career with the City of Williams Lake, Manager of Finance Angela Cail has announced her retirement effective August 31st.

Angela began her career with the City in 1988 as the Senior Accounting Clerk, and moved her way up through the organization in various roles. “I had been working at the Cariboo Regional District when the position came up, so I only had to walk across the parking lot to the City,” she joked.

Angela took on the role of Administration Coordinator at the Williams Lake Regional Airport in 1997, and spent 15 years working at the airport before accepting a position as the Administration Coordinator at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex. After six years at the Complex and a brief stint as the City’s Purchasing Agent, Angela returned to her roots in finance as the Manager of Finance, a role she has held for the past four years.

Angela said she has loved working for the City and being a part of a local government organization. She also reflects fondly on the many City staff members she’s worked alongside over the years. “That’s one thing I’ve really enjoyed: working with the staff and, hopefully, helping them to achieve some of their work goals has been my favourite part,” she said. “I also love working with numbers – they just make sense to me – so financial services was my ‘thing.’”

Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb said he wishes Angela well in her retirement and added she is certainly going to be missed. “She goes back a long way in supporting the City’s operations in many roles,” Cobb said. “She’s a very conscientious worker in all of the positions she has filled over the years.”

Vitali Kozubenko, Chief Financial Officer, echoed Cobb’s comments and said, on behalf of City staff, he’d like to thank Angela for all of her hard work. “We sure will miss her knowledge, support and dedication,” Kozubenko said.

“It is going to be hard to replace Angela on our team. The City deeply appreciates Angela’s years of dedication and wishes her well as she enjoys this new chapter,” Director of Human Resources Ashley Williston added.

When she’s not crunching numbers ensuring the responsible and efficient financial operations of the City, Angela values family above all. She and her husband Steve will be retiring to Kelowna this fall to be closer to their children and grandchildren.

Angela still isn’t quite ready to relinquish her Cariboo roots, however, as she and Steve plan to keep their cabin at Quesnel Lake for annual family get-togethers and weekend escapes. “Williams Lake has always been very good to our family,” she said. “We use that expression a lot. Steve and I were both fortunate to have good jobs and we raised our kids here. We’re definitely going to miss the friends we made over the years.”

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