Tuesday, August 16, 2022

UBCM 2022 Resolutions' Book released!

Last Friday (August 12th, 2022) -- the Union of BC Municipalities' or UBCM released its' 2022 Resolutions Book consisting of 206 Resolutions to be considered by UBCM Delegates of locally elected officials at the 2022 UBCM Convention at Whistler, BC from September 12-16, 2022

The full UBCM Resolution Book can be viewed here

The Resolutions Book is broken down by category, as follows:

i) Extraordinary Resolutions - ones' that relate to amending the UBCM Bylaws and the UBCM Act

ii) Special Resolutions from the UBCM Executive

iii) Endorse Block - Resolutions that are consistent with UBCM Policy (Resolutions)

iv) Not Endorse Block - Resolutions that are contrary to UBCM Policy (Resolutions)

v) No Recommendation from the UBCM Resolutions' Committee Resolutions

vi) Referred Resolutions - Resolutions that are referred back to their sponsor for further work or are covered by similar Resolutions elsewhere in the Resolution Book

Of the 5 Cariboo-Chilcotin Local Governments -- 

Williams Lake has 3 Resolutions at UBCM that cover the topics of:

* Mental Health Crisis
* Rural Medical Locum Funding
* Regional ICBC Rate Inequities (in conjunction with the Town of Smithers and the City of Fort St John)

All 3 of the above noted Resolutions are part of the Endorse Block and don't require further action for passage unless an UBCM Delegate rises to oppose the individual Resolution(s) or wishes to amend the Resolution and they were  agreed to unanimously by NCLGA Delegates at their Area Association AGM/Convention in the City of Fort St John in May of 2022 

Cariboo Regional District has 2 Resolutions at UBCM that cover the topics of:

* Parental Leave for Elected Officials
* Stable Funding for the Forest Enhancement Society

The 2 above noted Resolutions are part of the Endorse Block and don't require further action for passage unless an UBCM Delegate rises to oppose the individual Resolution(s) or wishes to amend the Resolution and they were agreed to unanimously by NCLGA Delegates at their Area Association AGM/Convention in the City of Fort St John in May of 2022 

Finally - the North Central Local Government Association's (NCLGA) Executive has submitted the following Resolutions for consideration of the full UBCM Membership for endorsement 

* Affordable Housing
* Access to Energy Advisors
* Roads and Bridges
All 3 of the above noted Resolutions are part of the Endorse Block and don't require further action for passage unless an UBCM Delegate rises to oppose the individual Resolution(s) or wishes to amend the Resolution.  The 3 above noted Resolutions were agreed to unanimously by NCLGA Delegates at their Area Association AGM/Convention in the City of Fort St John in May of 2022 

There are 2 other "Referred Resolutions" that will be sent back to NCLGA for further work unless they are pulled for separate consideration at the 2022 UBCM Convention... 

* Justice Reform
* Provincial Sales Tax on Used Item Sales


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