Saturday, September 3, 2022

Betty Anderson vs Chad Mernett for Cariboo RD Area "K" Directorship (Round 2)

In a battle for the Cariboo Regional District's Area "K" (East Chilcotin) Directorship that goes back to 2011 -- both Betty Anderson & Chad Mernett will do battle again for the right to become the Electoral Area "K" Director of the Cariboo Regional District in the October 15th, 2022 local government election

In November 2011 -- Chad Mernett was elected as the Electoral Area "K" Director of the Cariboo Regional District for a 3 year term however in the 2014 local government election - chose not to seek re-election.  

In the 2014 local government election - after an extended call for candidates in Electoral Area "K" for election -- Betty Anderson won the right to become the Electoral Area "K" Director of the Cariboo Regional District in that election, winning in a 3 way race -- 38 (Anderson) to 11 to 5 respectively - for a 4 year term

In 2018, Ms. Anderson sought re-election but was defeated in favour of current Cariboo Regional District Area "K" Director Chad Mernett by a vote count of 43-33 (Mernett - Anderson) respectively

Neither Director Mernett nor Ms. Anderson have indicated why they are seeking the Area "K" Directorship of the Cariboo Regional District, as of this writing, but should become known soon enough as they discuss their vision of Area "K" of the Regional District with local media and by extension, voters of Area "K" of the Cariboo Regional District

The 2022 Nomination Period for the Cariboo Regional District's 12 Electoral Area Directorships terminates at 4pm sharp! on Friday, September 9th, 2022


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