Friday, September 23, 2022

Cariboo-Chilcotin Local Government Mtgs - Week of September 26-30, 2022

The following local governments' or Boards' of Education in the Cariboo-Chilcotin will be holding meetings during the week of September 26-30, 2022, as follows:

Wells - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 27th at 7pm, via Zoom.  On the Agenda:

* Unfinished Business -- Strategic Priorities and Special Projects Spreadsheet;  Final Revisions of the Official Community Plan (OCP)

* CAO Report- 2022 UBCM Convention

* Departmental Reports
* Verbal Update from Mayor Coleman

View the full Agenda here


1) Council Meeting - Tuesday, September 27th at 6pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (4th Floor, 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

* Presentation: Lhtako Dene and City of Quesnel "Reclaiming the Land" Video Presentation, in Honour of September 30 - National Day for Truth & Reconciliation

* Committee Report from Financial Sustainability/Audit Committee
* Verbal Reports from UBCM 2022 Convention Attendees

Lhtako Dene Park Project Grant Applications - Infrastructure Canada's Natural Infrastructure Fund & Northern Development Initiative Trust's Cultural Infrastructure Fund

* Composition of 2024 BC Winter Games Society Board of Directors

Childcare Centre Project Update

MFA Equipment Financing 2022

New Floodplain Management Bylaw - Public Consultation Report

 DVP2022-68 - Development Variance Permit to increase signage at 225 St. Laurent Ave (Shopper's Drug Mart)

Union of BC Municipalities Volunteer & Composite Fire Department Training & Equipment Grant Application

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Active Transportation Grant - "Connecting Waterfront to Downtown"

 Northern Development Initiative Trust Recreation and Infrastructure Grant - Arena Flooring & Storage

City of Quesnel Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 1922 of 2022 - Third Reading

View the full Agenda here

The following Quesnel Council Committees' are scheduled to meet next week, as follows:

1) Executive Committee on Wednesday, September 28th
2) Policy/Bylaw Committee on Thursday, September 29th

Should the Committees', as above meet, their Agendas can be viewed here

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - 1st meeting of the 2022-2023 School Year on Tuesday, September 27th at 6:30pm in the SD27 Boardroom (350 2nd Avenue, Williams Lake).  On the Agenda:

* Presentation and Approval of 2021-2022 Audited Financial Statements
* Superintendent's Report
* Report from Committees'

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Committee of the Whole session on Tuesday, September 27th at 6pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom (Basement - 450 Mart St).  Meeting will NOT be livestreamed.  On the Agenda:

* 2023 Budget and Financial Plan Timeline and Direction
* Local Government Relationships
* Notice to go into Special Closed (In-Camera) Council -- Sections 92 (resolution to close in open meeting) and 90(1a/c - appointment/labour) of the Community Charter

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District:

1) Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus - Regular Meeting at 3pm on Wednesday, September 28th in the Cariboo RD Williams Lake Committee Room (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake).  On the Agenda:


* Williams Lake RCMP re: General Update


* Letter from Williams Lake Active Transportation Group re: request to join City of Williams Lake Active Transportation Committee

* Discussion Item: 2022 Central Cariboo-Chilcotin Ec Dev Service Business Plans -- items to be included in 2023 Business Plan for this RD Service

View the full Agenda here

2) Central Cariboo Joint Committee - Regular Meeting at 5:30pm on Wednesday, September 28th in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  Meeting will NOT be livestreamed.  On the Agenda:

* Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's 'Fee for Service Management Committee 2023-2025 Recommendations Report'- For consideration of endorsement

* Discussion Items -- Funding of Performances in the Park in Years 2023 Onward (Dir. Forseth); Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services 2022 Business, Financial and Capital Plans (CRD Mgr. Campbell)

View the full Agenda here

Finally - a reminder about September 30th (Orange Shirt Day + National Day of Truth and Reconciliation).  In Williams Lake - the Williams Lake First Nation is organizing an event at the WL Stampede Grounds.  More details here


  1. The CRD is having an update from the Williams Lake RCMP at this week's meeting. Haven't seen one for the City of Williams Lake since Insp Pelley's departure. Is that because the RCMP stats or reports don't line up with Council's tough on crime agenda? Does October's election have anything to do with the missing statistics? Or are the current mayor and council just fearmongering to get re-elected by hiding the statistics? How about some new faces in the council chambers come October who aren’t controlled by the old guard. It’s time.

  2. Thanks, Anonymous at 4:41pm, for your comment...

    The presentation by Williams Lake RCMP is for the CRD Electoral Areas (D,E,F,K) and to clarify -- Williams Lake RCMP Detachment Commander Darren Dodge appeared at the May 24th, 2022 Williams Lake City Council meeting. That can be read at and we'll see how people feel about the current Williams Lake City Council and who will form the next Williams Lake City Council (Mayor/Councillors - 6) soon enough ....

