Monday, September 26, 2022

Cariboo RD has change in its' CAO

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Board has announced that Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) John MacLean will be leaving the Cariboo Regional District in late October and heading south to assume his new role as Chief Administrative Officer with the Columbia Shuswap Regional District in early November.

"I would like to thank the Chair, CRD Board, staff and the people of the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region for their support during my time here and wish them nothing but the best. It has been my pleasure working with the CRD staff and serving this Region,” said John McLean.

MacLean joined the leadership team in 2017 and his presence and strong leadership will certainly be missed by the staff and management team.   The CRD Board and staff want to wish Mr. MacLean the best on the next chapter in his career and thank him for his contribution to the organization and the community during the past 5 years.

“Whilst I am sorry to see John MacLean leave the CRD, I know he is making the right move for him. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with and learning from John over the past 5 years, and I and the Board of Directors, wish him nothing but the best in his new position with the Columbia Shuswap RD. John has built a great team within the CRD and I know they join me in wishing him well”, said Cariboo Regional District Board Chair Margo Wagner.  “We also recognize that continuity and reassurance for employees is very important when there is change in a top position within the organization, and the Board is currently in the process of launching a formal recruitment process to find the right fit to fill this vital role.

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