Thursday, September 22, 2022

New school opens for Quesnel students

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

The new Quesnel Junior school has opened, giving students and families a new, modern space to learn.

“A great school is at the heart of every strong community, and our government’s work to invest in schools is one of the many ways we’re making life better for families in B.C.,” said the Hon. Jennifer Whiteside, BC's Minister of Education and Child Care. “This September, students across B.C. are heading back to new and improved schools. We’re proud of the work we’ve done to provide students with better places to learn, and we will continue to work closely with school boards to make investments that give students the best educational experience possible.”

The new Quesnel Junior school is the first major school project to be completed in Quesnel since 1997. It features a modern design that includes a new learning commons area and flexible learning spaces and promotes an interconnected school community. The new school also has space to offer infant-toddler and before-and-after-school child care. The Government of B.C. provided $52.2 million for the replacement of Quesnel Junior school, which ensures students can learn in a modern and safe environment.

"We are excited to have a new school and thank the Ministry of Education and Child Care for investing and supporting this great new facility at Quesnel Junior school,” said Tony Goulet, Board Chair, Quesnel School District. “As a board, we are excited and welcome students and staff to a great facility equipped to educate them for years to come."

The new school comes after structural issues were found at Quesnel Junior school in 2017. At the time, the Province provided approximately $1.8 million to renovate the then-closed Maple Drive Junior school as a short-term solution to ensure Quesnel Junior students would have a safe learning environment.

These investments are part of government’s commitment to provide students with the best learning experience possible.

Since September 2017, the Government of B.C. has announced $3 billion for new and improved schools as well as land purchases for future schools throughout the province. This includes adding almost 20,000 new student spaces and 32,000 seismically safe seats at B.C. schools.

Budget 2022 includes $3.1 billion for school capital projects over the next three years, including new and expanded schools, seismic upgrades and replacements, and land purchases for future schools.

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