Friday, September 9, 2022

Quesnel Council Highlights - Sept 6th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Delegation - BC Housing Presents findings from '383 St. Laurent Avenue Supportive Housing Project' Community Engagement

On August 16th Development Services apprised Council that a developer, BC Housing, submitted a proposal to acquire 383 St. Laurent Avenue (The Ramada) and amend the Zoning Bylaw, to allow supportive housing units and shelter spaces at that location and remove shelter use from its current location on Carson Avenue.

At that meeting, Council provided first reading and set the date for a Public Hearing on proposed City of Quesnel Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1928, 2022, with BC Housing's commitment to complete stakeholder review and public consultation and provide the feedback to Council.

Representatives from BC Housing attended the September 6th Quesnel City Council meeting to provide feedback from the community regarding their 383 St. Laurent Avenue Supportive Housing Project Engagement held August 15 - 29, 2022.  Although a need for supportive housing was identified in BC Housing's report, many concerns were raised by residents, with the primary issues being a rushed timeline and, location of the proposed facility siutated in very close proximity to residential, senior and childcare facilities.

BC Housing presented potential options to address public concerns but, due to the short timeline, a detailed operating plan was not available to alleviate issues brought forward during community consultation.

Taking into consideration resident concerns and feedback and, the uncertainties surrounding the scope of the project, Council defeated second reading of Bylaw 1928 and moved to cancel the Public Hearing set for September 13.

Next steps:

Council recognizes the need for additional services in our community to support those in need and, heard City Manager Johnson's report, which outlined hiring a consultant with unused COVID-19 Restart grant funding, to review the City's role regarding vulnerable populations and to provide recommendations to help the City take appropriate actions to address social needs and supports in the community.

The recent engagement by BC Housing has shown that the City needs an overall strategy and roadmap to help to direct our efforts. The goal is to provide advice to a new Council, and drive the 5 year Strategic Plan, as well as provide useful community feedback to BC Housing for future opportunities. The goal is to develop a community based plan that takes into account the key stakeholder groups, the specific needs and challenges in Quesnel and, then proposes appropriate solutions.

Public engagement throughout the process will be a key requirement.


  • Bylaw1926 - City of Quesnel 2020 - 2023 Tax Exempting Amendment Bylaw 1926, 2022 - Final Adoption
  • Bylaw 1927 - City of Quesnel Political Campaign Sign Amendment Bylaw 1927, 2022 (Housekeeping) - Final Adoption
  • Bylaw 1768 - Quesnel Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw 1768, 2022 - Final Adoption
  • Bylaw 1928 - City of Quesnel Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1928, 2022 (383 St. Laurent Avenue) - Second Reading - DEFEATED

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