Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The Clean Team and Day Labour Program: Businesses

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Since the Clean Team and Day Labour Program began operating, many partnerships have expressed positive feedback in terms of the peers’ effort and dedication to the program. The program has encouraged peers and business owners to engage with each other – which has ultimately created new and meaningful relationships, experiential sharing, inclusion, and understanding.  
As the Clean Team and Day Labour Program is coming to an end at the end of July, there is a desire from the partnerships to continue working with the peers on a very personal level. The partnerships have described a feasible and beneficial relationship with the peers, that improves the subjects of well-being, learning, and growth for both the partnerships and the peers. 

This video is a piece in a four-part video series highlighting the Clean Team and Day Labour Program. Watch for a new video every Wednesday. See previous videos here:

The program is funded through UBCM Strengthening Communities’ Services. This program has been a huge success for the peers, City, local businesses and community.

City of Quesnel  |  UBCM Strengthening Communities’ Services

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