Mayor - Surinderpal Rathor
Councillors' - Joan Flaspohler, Sheila Boehm, Micheal Moses, Scott Nelson, Angie Delainey, Jazmyn Lyons
Results are unofficial until next week when the official election results are declared by the local Chief Election Officer for the City of Williams Lake
Congratulations to the new mayor-elect Rathor and the four new councillors added to Council. Looks like the citizens of Williams Lake were looking for a change and left behind those whose role appeared to be maintain the status quo (a nod to the last place finish of former mayor Cook.) Let's hope this new Council stand as individuals and are not silenced by the ways of the old guard. Let's see if Mr. Rathor moves forward on his promise to clean up "dysfunctional city hall" as he has noted through his campaign. With over 70 job postings since the beginning of 2022 in a staff of maybe 130, a hard look at the hiring process and senior management is required.