Tuesday, October 25, 2022

BC Agriculture Day 2022

Statement of the Hon. Lana Popham - BC's Agriculture Minister:

“This year’s B.C. Ag Day is a time to reflect on the challenges faced by B.C.’s agriculture sector over the past year and acknowledge the resilience and strength of the hard-working farmers and ranchers in communities around the province who have overcome extreme weather and pandemic challenges to keep our local food security, economies and communities strong.

“As we approach the one-year anniversary of the devastating flooding that accounted for the largest agriculture disaster in B.C.’s history, it is both heartening and inspiring to see so many farmers back on their feet providing food for British Columbians. The Canada-BC Flood Recovery Program for Food Security has provided recovery funding for nearly 400 farms to date, with more to come, and ministry staff continue to work closely with farmers and ranchers to support their recovery to build back stronger.

“B.C. farmers and ranchers are stewards of the land and are acutely aware of the intricacies between climate change and agriculture, often employing regenerative and environmentally sustainable practices. Our government will continue to support them to mitigate the impacts of climate change and look at new tools and programs, like our Extreme Weather Preparedness for Agriculture program, that help fund climate adaptation and mitigation projects, such as flood-resilient feed storage, farm building retrofits, improved barn cooling systems, and extreme heat protection for crops and livestock.

“B.C.’s agriculture sector has shown time and time again it can overcome challenges, whether it be weather events, the pandemic or supply-chain issues, with resiliency and hope. Our government will continue to be there to support and provide new opportunities for the sector through Grow BC, Feed BC, and Buy BC so we can expand local food production, increase access to local food in our public institutions and ensure economic stability.

“On Ag Day 2022, I urge British Columbians to continue to buy local and look for the Buy BC logo when shopping. This is a great way to both thank and show support for our food producers, while strengthening food security and our British Columbia economy.”

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