Wednesday, October 26, 2022

City of Williams Lake Now Accepting Applications for Event Hosting Grants in 2023

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake is now accepting applications for its November 2022 intake of a semiannual Event Hosting Grant.

The Event Hosting Grant was introduced in 2011 to provide stimulus and seed money to assist local, non-profit organizations to bid, host, develop, grow, market and administer multi-day events drawing in participants from outside the community.

The goal is to attract new events, grow existing events and bring new opportunities to Williams Lake while helping to diversify the local economy and to serve as a catalyst for both sport and cultural development.

Over the past 10 years the City of Williams Lake has supported dozens of events through the Event Hosting Grant, with two annual deadlines at the end of May and at the end of November.

The grant has benefited non-profit societies such as the Williams Lake Skating Club, the Lakers Car Club, the UBC Alex Fraser Research Forest and the Cariboo Cattlemen’s Association, to name just a few.

A total of $5,000 has been allocated in the City’s annual budget for the purpose of the Event Hosting Grant.

Successful applicants will meet criteria outlined in the City’s Event Hosting Grant Policy, available online at Of note, applicants must be local, registered non-profit organizations and the event must take place over more than one day with a goal of attracting out-of-town visitors to the community.

To apply, visit for the November 2022 application package. Completed applications can be emailed to by no later than November 30, 2022. Successful applicants will be notified following the application deadline.

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