Tuesday, October 4, 2022

WL Council Highlights - Oct 4th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors Boehm, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll, Smith

Meeting called to order at 6pm and Mayor Cobb recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional, unceded territory of the Williams Lake First Nation

Mayor Cobb also recognized the absence of Councillor I. Bonnell as he was involved in a T-bone motorcycle accident and Council's thoughts/prayers are with the family of Councillor Bonnell

Meeting agenda adopted
Minutes of the previous City Council meeting held on September 20th, 2022

Delegations/Presentations/Matters from Public Hearing(s) - None


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated September 22, 26 and 29, 2022

2) Council accepted the Downtown Revitalization Tax Exemption application from T.R. Underwood Engineering Ltd. for façade improvements, new signage, parking area upgrades and building addition located at 452 Borland Street, issuing a certificate for the 2022 property value increase and that Council allows T.R. Underwood Engineering to enter into a Downtown Revitalization Tax Exemption Agreement with the City of Williams Lake

Councillor S. Nelson declared a perceived conflict of interest of the next item and left Council Chambers at 6:04pm

3) After receiving no oral public input and in receipt of 2 letters -- Council approved Development Permit #2-2022 concerning Broadway Landco Management Inc. - New Drive-Through Restaurant with Shared Loading Zone - 1704 Broadway Avenue South

Councillor S. Nelson returned to Council Chambers at 6:34pm

4) Council received a memo from Councillor I. Bonnell concerning the previously held Cariboo RD/Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board meetings

5) Council accepted the application from RJ and Crystal Brereton (TKC Contracting Ltd.) requesting to amend City of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825, 2002 by amending Section 314.1 Permitted Land Uses under the Service Commercial (CS-1) zone to allow 'Office' use at 318 Broadway Avenue North, legally described as Lot 1, District Lot 8815, Cariboo District, Plan PGP31529; that first and second readings be given to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2375, 2022, City Staff were directed to issue a notice of the application to surrounding property owners and tenants within a 100 metre radius of the subject property, and a Public Hearing be scheduled for November 15, 2022 at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall

6) Council received for information the report of the Public Hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaws No. 2371, 2373 and 2335 held September 20, 2022

7) Council approved entering the proposed encroachment with Bob’s Footwear and Apparel Inc. No. BC1297919 for an exterior boot display signage at 248 Borland Street

8) Council agreed to adjust the existing contract with Quality Excavating for Bridge 1-14 to include two additional recovery bridges, AR-1 and STM-1, for a total project value of $476,907.50 and $264,842.50 respectively, including engineering and contingency

9) Council awarded the River Valley Bike Bridge contract to Quality Excavating for a total construction tender amount of $219,750.00 excluding GST, for a total project value of $271,530 with contingency and engineering, and that Council approve that the budget will be overspent by $70,530 to be covered from general fund reserves

10) Council adopted the following Bylaws:

a) City of Williams Lake Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2373, 2022 along with a "Section 219" Restrictive Covenant regarding installation of a NEW manufactured home ONLY at 911 Proctor St

b) "City of Williams Lake Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2335, 2020 at 1238 Broadway Avenue South 

11) Council endorsed 2 Recommendations from a previous Committee of the Whole session, as follows:

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #18-2022, the correspondence from RCMP S/Sgt Darren Dodge re police assisting ambulance services be received and that Council express its concerns about the current lack of ambulance services and request a meeting with the Minister of Health to discuss the matter

b) That pursuant Committee of Whole Council Report #19-2022, Council authorize addition of Dog Creek Road to the list of the streets for 2022 annual paving rehabilitation and agree that the budget for the rehabilitation project will be overspent by $186,000 to be covered from general fund reserves, and further that staff pursue contribution to the cost of this project from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and that the Purchasing Policy be waived to sole source the contractor work involved 

12) Council proclaimed the month of October 2022 as "Foster Family Month" in the City of Williams Lake

13) Council directed Staff to adjust six existing parking spaces to four disabled parking spaces at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex and that the cost for these spaces be allocated in the 2023 operational budgets of both the Community Services Department and the Municipal Services Department

13) Council received the Council Information Package as of October 4th, 2022

Council agreed to adjourn at 6:58pm

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