Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Inaugural Meeting of 2022-2026 Williams Lake Municipal Council

Inauguration began at 6pm

Mayor-elect SPS Rathor; Councillors-elect S. Boehm, A. Delainey, J. Flaspohler, J. Lyons, M. Moses and S. Nelson

Members of local media
Members of the public

Mayor and Council-elect were conducted into Council Chambers via bagpipe/drum parade 

First Nations Drumming Ceremony (Honour Song) performed by Williams Lake First Nation

Oaths of Office & Allegiance were conducted and completed by the Hon. Judge L. Thomas for Mayor-elect SPS Rathor and Councillors-elect S. Boehm, A. Delainey, J. Flaspohler, J. Lyons, M. Moses and S. Nelson

Mayor Rathor thanked the previous Williams Lake City Council for their work on behalf of the community of Williams Lake and wished them well in their future endeavours 

Council approved the November 1st, 2022 Inaugural Meeting Agenda - as presented

Inaugural Addresses:

Mayor Rathor and Councillors Boehm, Delainey, Flaspohler, Lyons, Moses and Nelson then provided their Inaugural Addresses to commence their 2022-2026 term of office

Inaugural Business:

1) 2022 City of Williams Lake Local General Election - Official Results Reporting

Council received for information the 2022 City of Williams Lake General Local Government Election - official results

2)Annual Council Meeting Schedule for 2023

Council approved the Annual Council Meeting Schedule for 2023

3) Designation of Councillors as Acting Mayor - 2023

Council approved the 2023 list of Councillors to act as Acting Mayor, in the absence of Mayor Rathor 

4) Council Appointments for 2022/2023

Council endorsed the recommended appointments of Mayor SPS Rathor to various external Committees, etc. for the 2022-2023 term and the appointments to Council Standing Committees' were received for information 

5) Cariboo Regional District Appointments for 2022/2023 - Director and Alternate Director

Council appointed Mayor SPS Rathor to serve on the Cariboo Regional District Board as the City of Williams Lake Director with Councillor Scott Nelson to serve as the City's Alternate Director

6) Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) Appointments

Council appointed Councillor Sheila Boehm to the Northern Development Initiative Trust Regional Advisory Committee as the City's Director for 2022-2023 with Councillor Micheal Moses being appointed as the City's Alternate Director to the local NDIT RAC 

7) MIABC (Municipal Insurance Association of BC) Appointments for 2022/2023 - City of Williams Lake Delegate & Alternates

Council appointed Councillor Scott Nelson as the City of Williams Lake delegate to the Municipal Insurance Association of BC for 2023 and Councillor Joan Flaspohler and Councillor Sheila Boehm being appointed as first and second alternates, respectively. 

8) Wrestling Day - January 2, 2023

Council proclaimed Monday, January 2, 2023 as "Wrestling Day" in the City of Williams Lake, pursuant to Council Policy No. 115

9) Letters' of Congratulations - 2022 City of Williams Lake Local General Election

Council received for information the letters of congratulations to Mayor and Council on election to public office from the Tŝilhqot’in National Government, Ulkatcho First Nation Chief Lynda Price, Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Lorne Doerkson and Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes 

Public Addresses to Williams Lake City Council:

3 members of the public addressed Council 

Council adjourned at 7:15pm

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