Thursday, November 10, 2022

Inaugural Meeting of 2022-26 Cariboo RD Board of Directors'


Directors-elect M. Sjostrom, B. Bachmeier, J. Massier, S. Forseth, M. Neufeld, M. LeBourdais, A. Richmond, M. Wagner, J. Glassford, T. Pare, B. Anderson, E. De Vries (Electoral Areas A-L)

Appointed Directors from Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House: 

E. Coleman, R. Paull, SPS Rathor and M. Pinkney

Meeting called to order at 9:30am 

Blessing performed by Virginia Gilbert, Williams Lake First Nation Elder

Oaths of Office for all Electoral Area and Municipal Directors' was conducted/completed by the Regional District's Deputy CAO (A. Johnston) 

Meeting recessed at 9:51am
Meeting resumed at 9:53am


Directors M. Sjostrom, B. Bachmeier, J. Massier, S. Forseth, M. Neufeld, M. LeBourdais, A. Richmond, M. Wagner, J. Glassford, T. Pare, B. Anderson, E. De Vries, E. Coleman, R. Paull, SPS Rathor and M. Pinkney

Election of Chair/Vice-Chair:

The Deputy CAO called 3 times for nominations for the position of Chair of the Cariboo Regional District for the 2022-23 term

Director Wagner (Electoral Area "H") was duly nominated

Hearing no further nominations -- Director Wagner was declared elected, by acclamation, as Chair of the Cariboo Regional District for the 2022-23 term

The Deputy CAO called 3 times for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair of the Cariboo Regional District

Director Massier (Electoral Area "C") was duly nominated
Director Forseth (Electoral Area "D") was duly nominated

Hearing no further nominations and hearing from both candidates and a secret ballot vote having took place-- Director Massier was declared elected as Vice-Chair of the Cariboo Regional District for the 2022-23 term

Resolved - That the ballots for Vice-Chair be destroyed

Director Wagner then assumed the Chair at 10:05am

Board Training:

Staff reviewed IT Procedures, /Best Practices and a presentation from Corporate Services (Director Remuneration, Procedure Bylaw, Board Voting, etc) with the Board

Meeting recessed at 1:45pm
Meeting resumed at 2:04pm

Board Business:

Meeting Agenda was adopted 

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director S. Forseth (Area "D")

Minutes of the October 6th, 2022 Board Meeting were received/adopted

Development Services:

1) At the request of Director Richmond -- the Board gave 1st/2nd Readings to Lac La Hache Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5409, 2022 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5410, 2022  (Area G/4000 Highway 97 South)

2) The Board adopted the following Planning Bylaws:

a) Central Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5338, 2021 (Area D/5131 Highway 97 North)

b) South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5390, 2022 (Area L/7736 High Country Road)

c) Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5392, 2022 and Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5393, 2022 (Area A/1381 Sam Toy Road)

3) The Board agreed to submit a Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for non-adhering residential use, pertaining to Lot A, District Lot 3793, Lillooet District, Plan 23263 and provide its' support on the application (Area L/6252 Banks Road)

4) The Board agreed to renew a Temporary Use Permit in Area "H" at 2750 Bradley Creek Road for 1 final 3 year term

5) The Board deferred consideration of an application of a Temporary Use Permit in Area "B" on Duncan Road until the December 9th Board Meeting

6) At the request of Director Richmond -- Staff were directed to discharge covenant KJ032869 from the title of Lot A, District Lot 199, Lillooet District, Plan KAP55211 (Area G/4858 Pierreroy Crescent)

Community Services:

1) The Board agreed to 2 NDIT/Northern Development Applications, as follows:

a) $20,000 for Business Façade Improvement program in 2023

b) $30,611 for Recreation Infrastructure Grant application for Hallis Lake Cross Country ski facility

2) The Board agreed to a Community Works Fund application from the Nimpo Lake Community Association to install a new, on-demand hot water system at the Nimpo Lake Community Hall

Protective Services:

1) The Board agreed to submit a grant application to UBCM through its Community Emergency Preparedness Fund for up to $30,000 for each CRD Volunteer Fire Department in Areas A,B,C,D,F,G,H,I and L


1) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Cheque Register for the month of October 2022 in the amount of $2,510,223.32


1) The Board received the Official Results of the 2022 Cariboo Regional District Local General Elections in the Electoral Areas which resulted in acclamations in Areas A,B,C,D,F,G,H and L and election by voting required in E,I,J,K

2) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of November 10th, 2022

3) The Board received a report of the Deputy CAO along with a letter from the Working Group on Responsible Conduct (a partnership of UBCM, LGMA and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs) regarding an eLearning course for elected officials which introduces the learner to the foundational principles for responsible conduct

Recommendations from Committees/Commissions:

1) The Board received minutes of the October 5th, 2022 Anahim Lake Airport Commission as well as the October 19th, 2022 Central Cariboo Joint Committee and endorsed 1 recommendation from that meeting, as follows:

That the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's 'Fee for Service Management Committee 2023-2025 Recommendations Report' be received and the Joint Committee approve entering into Arts and Culture Fee for Service agreements for a three-year term, effective January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025, with annual payments as follows:

  • Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin - $38,000
  • Station House Studio and Gallery Society - $22,500
  • Community Arts Council of Williams Lake - $5,000
  • Horsefly Historical Society (Horsefly Pioneer Museum) - $4,000
  • Likely Chamber of Commerce (Cedar City Museum) - $4,000
  • 150 Mile Greenbelt, Trail & Heritage Society (150 Mile Schoolhouse) - $3,000
  • Scout Island Nature Centre (Art in Nature / Nature in Art) - $2,500
  • Women's Contact Society (Williams Lake Children's Festival) - $2,000
  • Cariboo Festival Society (Cariboo Festival) - $1,500
  • Williams Lake Studio Theatre - $2,000
  • Total = $84,500

Requests from Directors':

1) At the request of Director Sjostrom -- The Board agreed to permit Director Sjostrom to access up to $290 from the Electoral Area A Director Initiative Fund to attend the Minerals North Conference in Quesnel on May 31 – June 2, 2023

The Chair provided her activity report as of November 9th, 2022

Directors' provided verbal comments as to their recent activities in their Electoral Area or Municipality and then agreed to adjourn 

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