Friday, December 9, 2022

CCRHD Board Highlights - Dec 9th mtg


Chair A. Richmond/Vice Chair M. Sjostrom and Directors B. Bachmeier, J. Massier, S. Forseth, M. Neufeld, M. LeBourdais, M. Wagner, J. Glassford, T. Pare, B. Anderson, E. De Vries  E. Coleman, R. Paull, SPS Rathor M. Pinkney and J. Smith

Meeting called to order at 9:30am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw

Meeting agenda adopted
Minutes of the CCRHD Board Meeting held November 10th, 2022 were received/adopted


1) The Board gave 3 Readings/Adoption to the following Capital Expenditure Bylaws: 

a) Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Capital Expenditure (NH – Regional Wireless Replacement) Bylaw No. 202, 2022 

b) Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Capital Expenditure (NH – InCare Project Phase 2) Bylaw No. 203, 2022 

2) The Board received the Hospital Consent Calendar as of December 9th, 2022 

3) The Board received a request regarding the Cariboo Regional Hospital District to provide funding by way of a Foundation Partnership Grant and approved the request in principle, provided support of IH is received

4) The Board received a request of Northern Health regarding their Patient Transfer Tool project was received and that funding in the amount of $7,394.00 representing the CCRHD’s 3.9% share of the project costs be approved and directed that the necessary bylaw be brought forward to the Board at its January 13, 2023 meeting for consideration of three readings and adoption 

5) The Board received a request of Northern Health regarding funding of Videoconferencing Equipment was received and that funding in the amount of $8,533 representing the CCRHD’s 3.9% portion of cost be approved and directed that the necessary bylaw be brought forward to the Board at its January 13, 2023, meeting for consideration of three readings and adoption. 

 6) The Board received the Northern Health Connections modified holiday schedule starting December 20, 2022 through to the week of January 2, 2023 

The Chair provided updates on health care projects and services in Williams Lake and Quesnel

The Board adjourned at 9:48am

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