Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Quesnel Council Highlights - Dec 13th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Community Funding

Council approved the Financial Sustainability and Audit Committee recommendation to fund the following groups for the next four years (2023-2026) the following amounts:

  • North Cariboo Highway Rescue - $12,500
  • Quesnel Search and Rescue - $14,750
  • Quesnel Ambassadors Program - $5,000
  • Baker Creek Enhancement Program - $10,000

SPCA Contract

Council approved a one-year Operating Agreement with the BC Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for 2023, as they review their long term plans for a location in Quesnel.

Airport Advisory Committee Appointments

Council approved appointment of the following representatives to the Airport Advisory Committee, for a term to coincide with the term of the current Council: Jim Glassford, Cariboo Regional District Director Area I, Fred Taylor, Dan McKeith, Jerry van Halderen, and Rick Wittner, with Kathy Somerville to act as an alternate for Chamber of Commerce representative Rick Wittner.

Grant Update

Council approved application to the following grants:

  • Northern Development Initiative Trust for the $50,000 Economic Development Capacity Building grant.
  • Northern Development Initiative Trust for the $8,000 Grant Writing Support grant and allocation of $2,500in the operating budget for the Economic Development Coordinator’s salary.
  • Northern Development Initiative Trust for a grant of up to $45,000 to host an intern under the Local Government Intern program from the Cariboo-Chilcotin/Lillooet Regional Development Account and, allocation of $15,000 over the 2023 and 2024 operating budgets to cover the City’s contribution to salary and training for the intern.
  • Northern Development Initiative Trust for the $20,000 Business Façade Improvement grant.
  • Rural Diversification and Infrastructure Program, Forest Impact Transition stream for up to $500,000 to complete an Infrastructure Master Plan.
  • Union of BC Municipalities for the 2023 and 2024 intake of the Community Resiliency Investment program to carryout: FireSmart education, outreach, and communications; the rebate program; fuel management activities; and update the Quesnel and Surrounding Area Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
  • British Columbia Air Access Program for 60% grant funding for an upgrade to the terminal building at the Quesnel Regional Airport based an estimated eligible costs of $150,000.

Business Improvement Area Bylaw Renewals

Bylaws 1935 and 1936 are Council Initiative Bylaws subject to petition against.

The Downtown Quesnel BIA Bylaw and the South Quesnel BIA Bylaw expired in 2022 and the groups are requesting five-year extensions.

Following the first two readings of these bylaws, all the businesses in the respective BIA areas will receive a mail-out in January, which includes the budgets, plans, an estimate of their cost and instructions for the petition and, advertising will be placed in the local newspaper. Businesses within the BIAs opposing the continuation of the BIA Bylaws will have 30 days after to notify City Hall of their opposition.

Great Canadian Rail Tour Company

Council approved a two-year License of Occupation with the Great Canadian Rail Tour Company for use of space in the Stationhouse (commonly referred to as the BC Rail Building).

Letter of Support

Council approved a letter of support for the District of Wells application to the REDIP (Rural Economic Diversification Infrastructure Program) for Wells Barkerville Community and Cultural Centre Renovation Project—Phase 1 - $1.1 million Project.


  • Bylaw 1917 - City of Quesnel Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1917 of 2022 (Gook Road) - Final Adoption
  • Bylaw 1922 - City of Quesnel Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 1922, 2022 - Final Adoption
  • Bylaw 1933 - City of Quesnel Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1933 of 2023 (2288 Gassoff Road Mobile Home Park) - First & Second Reading and, set the Public Hearing date of January 24, 2023 at 6pm in Council Chambers.
  • Bylaw 1934 - City of Quesnel Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1934 of 2023 (2288 Gassoff Road Mobile Home Park) - First & Second Reading and, set the Public Hearing date of January 24, 2023 at 6pm in Council Chambers.
  • Bylaw 1935 - City of Quesnel Downtown Quesnel Business Improvement Area Bylaw 1935 of 2022 - First and Second Reading
  • Bylaw 1936 - City of Quesnel South Quesnel Business Improvement Area Bylaw 1936 of 2022 - First and Second Reading
  • Bylaw 1932 - City of Quesnel Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1932 of 2022 (Chew Road) - Repeal Second Reading, Second Reading as Amended

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