Tuesday, December 6, 2022

WL Council Highlights - Dec 6th mtg

Present: Mayor SPS Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Delainey, Flaspohler, Lyons, Moses and Nelson

Mayor Rathor recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional, unceded territory of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw

Council Meeting Agenda Adopted - click here.  Meeting video here

Minutes of Williams Lake City Council Meeting held on November 15th, 2022 was received/adopted


1) Fire Chief Passing of the Helmet Presentation to new Williams Lake Fire Chief Evan Dean


1) Ruth Lloyd and Paul Smith, Go By Bike Williams Lake and Streets for All Williams Lake appeared before Council to discuss their Fall Activities & Active Transportation Committee

Following the presentation - A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Rathor thanked the delegation for their time and information

Resolved -- That the presentation from the Go By Bike Williams Lake and Streets for All Williams Lake group be received and Council establish an Active Transportation Committee 

2) Renee McKeown, Dr. Carol Fenton & Deberah Robbin - Interior Health Authority and First Nations Health Authority (via Zoom/in-person) appeared before Council to discuss Approval of Proposed Mobile Overdose Prevention Site in Williams Lake

Following the presentation - A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Rathor thanked the delegation for their time and information

Resolved -- That the presentation from representatives of the Interior Health Authority and the First Nations Health Authority regarding a request for Council to approve a proposal for a mobile overdose prevention site in Williams Lake be received and referred to staff for a report back to Council.


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated November 4, 10, 17, 18, 24 and December 1, 2022

2) Council Appointments were amended to reflect the following changes: 

* Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Liaison – Councillor Moses 
* Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Fee for Service Management Committee – Councillor Moses 
* Cariboo Chilcotin Partners for Literacy – Councillor Delainey
* Williams Lake Airshed Quality Roundtable -- Councillor Delainey

3) Council received for information the report of the Public Hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2375 held November 15, 2022

4) At the request of Councillor Nelson -- Council agreed to send a letter to Hon. Murray Rankin, BC Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing, thanking him for his directive to identify and implement amendments to the BC Prosecution Service’s Bail – Adults policy, issued pursuant to section 6 of the Crown Counsel Act; and further that Council request the Attorney General to encourage the BC Prosecution Service to utilize electronic monitoring on prolific offenders that are released into the community on bail conditions

5) Council agreed to renew agreements with the Cariboo Regional District, as follows:

* Handy-Dart service for specified areas within Areas D,E,F of the Cariboo Regional District
* Cemetery Services for those in Areas D,E,F of the Cariboo Regional District
* Emergency Support (Social) Services for those living within rural areas in the Cariboo Regional District

6) Council approved registration, accommodation, meals, travel, Council compensation and other associated expenses for interested Council members to attend the Local Government Leadership Academy’s 2023 Elected Officials Seminar in Prince George, BC from March 15 to 17, 2023

7) Council endorsed recommendations of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee, as follows:

a) 2023 Meeting Schedule of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee

b) That pursuant to Central Cariboo Joint Committee Report #03-2022, the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's 'Performances in the Park Report' be received and approval be given for renewal of the Performances in the Park services agreement between the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society, the City of Williams Lake and the Cariboo Regional District for a three-year term at a cost of $22,000 annually paid to the Society for coordinating the Performances in the Park events, and the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the City; and further, that staff be directed to investigate the use of the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex for those events scheduled during inclement weather or poor air quality due to wildfire smoke.

8) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to "Williams Lake Cemetery Amendment Bylaw No. 2380, 2022"

9) Council approved BC Air Access Program grant applications, as follows:

* Airport Security Gate Upgrade - $60,000
* Airport Apron Lighting Upgrade - $55,900

10) Council approved a REDIP/Rural Economic Development Infrastructure Program grant application for a Utility Master Plan for the Williams Lake Regional Airport (in concert with a similar study for capacity within the Pine Valley Sewer System, as proposed by the Cariboo Regional District)

11) Council awarded the contract for the washroom replacement at Scout Island to Spruce Lee Construction for the tendered price of $298,225, plus applicable taxes, and agree to the project cost overrun of $26,829.02 to be covered from other project budgets that have come in under budget.

12)  Council agreed to extend the existing contract of the Community Well-Being and Safety Coordinator until December 31, 2023, and that this extension be funded through the COVID Safe Restart Funds that are remaining in the City Budget from the 2020 allocation from the Province 

13) Council receive the report of the Director of Human Resources dated November 21, 2022 and directed that the COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Council Policy be rescinded 


14) "City of Williams Lake Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2375, 2022" was adopted (318 Broadway Avenue South)

15) Council ratified several Committee of the Whole recommendations, as follows:

Councillor Moses declared a conflict on the next item at 8:19pm and left Council Chambers

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #22-2022, the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated November 15, 2022 be received and Council approve entering into Fee for Service agreements for three-year terms, effective January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025, as follows: 

 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake - $15,000 / year 
 BGC Williams Lake Club - $15,000 / year 
 Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society ‘Water Wise’ Program - $42,000 / year 
 Social Planning Council of Williams Lake and Area - $5,000 / year 
 Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin Society - $24,000 / year 
 Williams Lake Stampede Association - $25,000 / year 
 Williams Lake Food Policy Council - $6,000 / year 
 Downtown Williams Lake Business Improvement Association - $4,000 / year 
 Williams Lake Community Policing Committee - $15,000 / year

Councillor Lyons declared a conflict on the next item and left Council Chambers at 8:21pm

b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #23-2022, the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated November 15, 2022 be received and final consideration of the following Fee for Service applications be deferred to future budget discussions: 

 Scout Island Nature Centre 
 Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society ‘Waste Wise’ Program 
 Williams Lake Stampede Parade 
 Williams Lake Hospice Society 
 Potato House Sustainable Community Society 
 Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce 

And further, that the Williams Lake Stampede Parade group be invited to meet with Council at a future Committee of Whole Council meeting to discuss their application

Councillors' Moses and Lyons returned to Council Chambers at 8:24pm

c) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #24-2022, the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated November 16, 2022 be received and Council award $12,545 in Grant-in-Aid allotments for 2023 to the following applicants: 

 Cariboo Chilcotin Youth Fiddle Society - $4,000 
 Foundry Cariboo Chilcotin - $2,000 
 Gavin Lake Forest Education Society - $1,545 
 Canadian Royal Purple Association #125 - $1,000 
 Williams Lake Cycling Club - $4,000

16) Council received correspondence, as follows:

a) Minutes of the November 23rd Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting
b) BC Municipal Affairs Minister Nathan Cullen re: 2022 UBCM Convention Meeting

c) BC Transportation Minister Rob Fleming re: Dog Creek Road Remediation Program

d) Letter Requesting the City Open the Snow Dump for Outside Contractors -- Letter referred to Staff for review and report back to Council

17) Council received the "Council Information Package" as of December 6th, 2022

Members of Council reported on their recent activities

Resolved -- That the Mayor be authorized to write letters of support, provided that a copy of those letters be included in the "Council Information Package" at each Council Meeting

Resolution to proceed to Closed (In-Camera) Council Meeting:

That Council resolve into a Closed Meeting, following adjournment of the Open Council Meeting, according to Section 92 of the Community Charter for discussion of items identified under Section 90 (1) (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality, (c) labour relations or other employee relations, (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interest of the municipality and (f) law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment

Council adjourned at 8:47pm

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