Friday, January 20, 2023

Cariboo-Chilcotin Local Government Meetings - Week of Jan 23-27

The following local governments' or Boards' of Education of the Cariboo-Chilcotin will be meeting during the week of January 23-27, 2023 - as follows:

Quesnel - Meetings as noted below, all in Quesnel Council Chambers (4th Floor, 410 Kinchant St).

1) Public Hearing - 6:00pm on Tuesday, January 24th in Quesnel Council Chambers in relation to OCP/Zoning Amendments for property at 2288 Gassoff Road.  View the Public Hearing Agenda here

2) Open Quesnel Council Meeting - to follow adjournment of the Public Hearing.  On the Agenda:

* Delegation: Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes

* Committee Reports
* Item from Mayor Paull - 2023 NCLGA Resolution (Palliative Care per diem)

* Quesnel VFD Annual Report for 2022
* 2023-27 Capital Budget
* DVP for 2288 Gassoff Rd
* Clean Team Program

View the full Agenda here

3) Special Closed (In-Camera) Meeting of Quesnel Council -- to follow adjournment of the Open Meeting of Quesnel Council on Jan. 24th -- as per Section 90(2b - confidential negotiations between the City of Quesnel; Provincial/Federal Governments and/or a 3rd Party) of the Community Charter. View the closed meeting notice here  

4) Policy/Bylaw Committee - Regular Meeting on Thursday, Jan 26th.  When available, the Agenda can be viewed here

SD27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Regular Board of Education Meeting to be held in the SD27 Boardroom (350 2nd Avenue, Williams Lake) on Tuesday, January 24th at 6:30pm.  On the Agenda:

* Reports from the Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer
* Committee Reports

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, Jan 24th at 6:00pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  Meeting to be livestreamed via YouTube (click here).  On the Agenda:

NDIT Grant Application - Local Government Internship
* OCP/Zoning Amendment Application -- 575 Wotzke Drive
Request for Inter-Government Meeting re Action Plan for Community Safety 

* Endorse recommendations (2) from previous Committee of the Whole Meeting

* Closed Council Meeting (In-Camera) to follow adjournment of the Open Council Meeting -- Section 90(1a - appointment) of the Community Charter.  View the closed meeting notice here

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District - Meetings as noted below to be held in the Cariboo Regional District Williams Lake Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake).  

1) Emergency Preparedness Committee - 1:00pm on Wednesday, January 25th.  On the Agenda:

* EOC Reporting - 4th Quarter 2022
* Emergency Programs Workplan 2023
* CRD Emergency Plan Key Functions/Process Review
* New Emergency Program Act/Impact on Cariboo RD
* BC Flood Strategy/Impact on Cariboo RD

View the full Agenda here

2) Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus - 3:00pm on Wednesday, January 25th.  On the Agenda:

* Election of Chair for 2023
* Appointment of CRD Co-Chair for Central Cariboo Joint Committee - 2023
* Appointment to Central Cariboo Community Committees - 2023
* Meeting Schedule for Caucus - 2023
* Action Page

View the full Agenda here

3) Central Cariboo Joint Committee - 5:30pm on Wednesday, January 25th.  On the Agenda:

Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society Grant Award Update

Joint Use Facilities Agreement Renewal

* Discussion Items -- Conventional Transit Expansion into Williams Lake Fringe Area; Central Cariboo Joint Committee Terms of Reference

View the full Agenda here

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