Friday, January 13, 2023

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - January 13th mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner/Vice Chair J. Massier; Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Forseth, Neufeld, Richmond, Glassford, Pare, Anderson, De Vries, Coleman, Paull, Rathor, Pinkney and Alternate Director C. Bullinger (Area "F")

Meeting called to order at 10:00am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw and welcomed Area "F" Alternate Director C. Bullinger to today's meeting

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Regional District Board Meeting held November 10th, 2022 were received/adopted

Delegations Memorandum of Business was received


1) Development Services

a) In regards to the Bouchie-Milburn Neighborhood Plan (Electoral Area "B) -- 

* The Board considered consultation sufficient in accordance with Sections 475 and 476 of the Local Government Act

* The Board confirmed it has considered Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5418, 2023 in relation to the current CRD five-year financial plan and solid waste management plan, in accordance with Section 477(3) of the Local Government Act

* The Board gave 1st Reading to Quesnel Fringe Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5419, 2023 and North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5420, 2023

b) The Board adopted South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5369, 2022 (Area G/5273 Evergreen Drive)

c) On recommendation of Area "E" Director M. Neufeld -- the Board authorized approval of DVP #29-2021 for property at 1585 Hodgson Road

d) The Board deferred consideration of Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for Soil or Fill Use, pertaining to District Lot 11, Group 4, Cariboo District for up to 60 days (Area E)

e) On recommendation of Area "B" Director B. Bachmeier -- the Board rejected an application pertaining to Lot 1, District Lot 6195, Cariboo District, Plan 31056 requesting the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit to allow the subject property to be used for the residential use of an RV, due to intended non-compliance with the TUP RV Policy (Board Res. 2015-8-37) for property on Duncan Road

Meeting recessed at 10:57am
Meeting resumed at 11:07am

Delegation #1:

Danielle Wiess, Transportation Lead of Community Energy Association appeared before the Board to present on behalf of the multiple project partners to provide an update on the Charge North project and to discuss electric vehicle charging stations in remote areas.

A Question/Answer Period ensued, following the presentation

The Chair thanked Ms. Wiess for her time/information

Delegation #2:

Chris Pharness, VP, Sustainable Development and Hayley Archer, Sustainable Development Project Coordinator appeared before the Board to present on behalf of Osisko Development to discuss company updates.

A Question/Answer Period ensued, following the presentation

The Chair thanked the delegation for their time/information

Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:10pm
Meeting resumed at 1:00pm

Business, cont:
Development Services, cont:

f) On recommendation of Area "D" Director S. Forseth -- the Board rejected an application for a Temporary Use Permit pertaining to Lots 1 and 2, District Lot 9167, Cariboo District, Plan 15561 to allow thirteen recreational vehicles on the existing mobile home serviced sites providing temporary dwelling accommodation to workers for property at 1561 Kitsul Road, McLeese Lake

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION -- Director Wagner (Area H)

g) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption (as amended) to Agricultural Development Advisory Committee Bylaw No. 5416, 2023 

h) The Board appointed Martin Rossmann, Robin Hunt, Lynda Atkinson, Gillian Watt, Tammy Briggs, Tyrone Johnston, Cynthia Fell, and Jennifer Roberts to the Agricultural Development Advisory Committee until December 31st, 2024 

i) The Board appointed members to the Electoral Areas' Advisory Planning Commissions' for the 2022-2026 term, as recommended by the Area Directors'

j) The Board directed the Deputy CAO to file a Notice on Title in the Land Title Office, in accordance with Section 57 of the Community Charter in regards to property legally described as Lot A, District Lot 8836 and 8837, Cariboo Land District, Plan BCP5837

2) Emergency Program Services

a) The Board authorized Staff to proceed with entering into an agreement for $197,024.00 with Canadian Red Cross to fund the Canadian Red Cross Wildfires 2017 - Risk Awareness Campaign

3) Finance

a) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Cheque Register for December 2022 in the amount of $2,853,364.35

4) Administration

a) The Board received a report of the Deputy CAO in regards to resolutions for the 2023 North Central Local Government Association’s Annual General Meeting and Convention 

b) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of January 13th, 2023

c) The Board received a letter of response from Jennifer Rice, Parliamentary Secretary for Emergency Preparedness in regards to a meeting held at the 2022 UBCM Convention regarding BC's Disaster Financial Assistance Program

5) Committee/Commission Minutes and Recommendations

a) The Board received minutes of meetings held by the Committee of the Whole (December 8th, 2022), Finance/Budget Committee (December 8th, 2022), South Cariboo Joint Committee (December 12th, 2022), North Cariboo Joint Committee (November 15th and December 13th, 2022)

b) The Board endorsed recommendations from its' Committees or Commissions as follows:

* Finance-Budget Committee Meeting of December 8th, 2022 -- 

"That the Cariboo Regional District’s Professional Services Policy, 04-05B-5(8) be waived, and the asset appraisal contract be awarded to Suncorp"

* South Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting of December 12th, 2022 --

i) 2023 Grant for Assistance Applications from Areas G,H,L (meets Policy)

ii) 2023 Grant for Assistance Applications from Areas G,H,L (Policy Waiver required - either submitted late or does not meet intention of Grant for Assistance Policy)

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION  -- Directors Forseth, Bachmeier (Areas B,D)

* North Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting of December 13th, 2022 -- 

"That staff proceed with additional Quesnel and District Arts and Recreation Centre  pool upgrade referendum public consultation, to include the tax ramifications for a pool upgrade with a waterslide;

Further, that staff proceed with a June, 2023 referendum for a Quesnel and District Arts and Recreation Centre pool upgrade with a waterslide"

And further still, that approval of the referendum be subject to funds being approved in the budget.

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION -- Directors Sjostrom, Forseth, Richmond, Glassford, Anderson (Areas A,D,G,I,K)

6) Corporate Bylaws

a) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption to Cariboo Regional District Indemnification Bylaw No. 5417, 2023

7) Directors' Requests

a) At the request of Area "K" Director B. Anderson -- the Board approved a letter of support in regards a nomination of Esk'etemc (Alkali Lake) Kukpi7 (Chief) Fred Robbins for the 2023 BC Reconciliation Award

b) The Board received a report of the Deputy Corporate Officer in regards to 2023 Board Committee and Portfolio Appointments of Chair Wagner 

At 2:31pm -- the Board recessed its' Open Meeting to conduct a Closed (In-Camera) Board Session as per Sections 92 & 90(1c/g - labour and potential/actual litigation) of the Community Charter

At 3:28pm -- the Board resumed its' Open Meeting

The Board adjourned at 3:28pm

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