Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Central Cariboo Joint Committee Highlights - Jan. 25th mtg

Present from City of WL -- Mayor SPS Rathor (Co-Chair); Councillors J. Lyons/M. Moses

Present from Cariboo RD -- Directors S. Forseth (Co-Chair) and M. Neufeld

Meeting Chair - Director S. Forseth

The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on traditional, unceded Williams Lake First Nation territory within Secwepemculecw and reminded Committee members to keep their mobile devices on vibrate mode to minimize distractions during the meeting and he advised of the unavoidable absence of Director M. LeBourdais from tonight's meeting and acknowledged today's announcement from WLFN regarding geophysical results from the second phase of the investigation at the St. Joseph's Mission Residential School and encouraged members of Joint Committee to attend the "Sacred Fire" event outside the Elizabeth Grouse Gym at Sugarcane between today to Saturday 

Meeting Agenda adopted with 1 Late Item (Central Cariboo Fees/Charge Bylaws for years 2023-2026 inclusive)

Minutes of the previous Joint Committee meeting held on November 23rd, 2022 was received/adopted

Delegations - None


1) Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society Grant Award Update

Report from the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved: Report from the Society was received

2) Joint Use Facilities Agreement Renewal 

Report from the Manager of Recreation/Leisure Services, City of WL was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved -- That it be recommended to the Regional Board/City Council:

  • That the Council Report from Kaitlyn Atkinson, Manager of Recreation and Leisure Services, dated January 16, 2023, regarding renewal of the Joint Use Facilities Agreement, be received and that the Joint Use Agreement be renewed until December 31st, 2026 and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the agreement 

3) Discussion Items

* Extend Conventional Transit into the Williams Lake Fringe Areas (Cariboo RD Areas D,E,F)
* 2023-2026 Central Cariboo Fees/Charges Bylaw 

No resolution for these 2 Discussion Items

* Central Cariboo Joint Committee Terms of Reference

Resolved: That the Terms of Reference be amended to permit delegations to address the Joint Committee for no more than 15 minutes

4) Action Page

The Committee review the Action Page and agreed to delete Item #3

The Chair (Dir. Forseth) advised the Committee of his unavoidable absence for February's Joint Committee meeting (should it proceed) due to the February quarterly UBCM Executive Meetings that he is required to attend on behalf of NCLGA and accordingly, Mayor Rathor would chair February's Joint Committee meeting in his absence 

The Committee adjourned at 6:25pm

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