Friday, February 3, 2023

Cariboo-Chilcotin Local Gov't Campaign Disclosure Forms released

Yesterday - Elections BC who manages the process for local election candidates for Mayor/Council; Area Director or School Trustees in relation to campaign disclosure released the campaign disclosure forms for the October 2022 BC Local Government Local General Elections

By Jurisdiction:

District of Wells - click here
City of Quesnel - click here
City of Williams Lake - click here
District of 100 Mile House - click here
Cariboo Regional District (Area Directors') - click here
School District #28 (Quesnel) - click here
School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - click here

Some Highlights:

* Both District of Wells/100 Mile House Mayors' Ed Coleman/Maureen Pinkney were acclaimed into their respective Mayoral offices this last local election in October 2022 so no campaign expenses incurred 

* School District #27 Trustees for Zones 1-5 and 7 were all acclaimed.  Zone 6 (City of Williams Lake) held an election wherein Micheal Franklin was successfully elected 

* Elections were held in Cariboo RD Areas E,I,J,K (4) with Areas A,B,C,D,F,G,H and L seeing acclamations so no campaign expenses incurred (8)

* Those who spent the most didn't necessarily get elected.  Both Quesnel/Williams Lake Mayors' Ron Paull/Surinderpal Rathor spent roughy $10,000 to get themselves both elected into their respective Mayoral offices.  The campaign spending limit, based on type of elected office and population for the local jurisdiction, for the Quesnel Mayoral race was $10.931.76 and in Williams Lake, this was $12,425.40 while former Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb spent slightly more than Surinderpal Rathor for Williams Lake Mayor and was not re-elected

Finally -- Wells Councillor candidate Shannon McDonagh as well as Quesnel Mayoral Candidates David Schile/Brian Watson did not file their campaign disclosure forms, as required by the January 13th, 2023 deadline with Elections BC.  They now have until February 13th to do so, with a $500 late filing fee.  If they don't - they will be automatically disqualified from seeking local elected office in the October 2026 local elections... 


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