Thursday, February 9, 2023

Cariboo RD Area "D" Virtual Town Hall Meeting - Wed Feb 15th at 7pm

Good afternoon: 

 For those residing north of Williams Lake and live within the following Cariboo Regional District Area “D” communities: 

• Soda Creek Road (past the City of Williams Lake boundary) 
• Mile 168 Road 
• Commodore Heights 
• Fox Mountain 
• Pine Valley 
• Wildwood 
• Deep Creek 
• Tyee Lake 
• Soda Creek/Soda Creek Valley 
• McLeese Lake/Duckworth Lake 
• Macalister 
• Marguerite 

 I will be hosting a Zoom Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, February 15th at 7pm. You can participate in this Zoom Town Hall meeting, via app or by phone. The purpose of the meeting is two-fold: 

• Discussion of draft 2023 Cariboo Regional District Budget numbers as they relate to Electoral Area “D” 

• Update on work that I have been working on in 2022 and a look ahead in 2023… 

The draft 2023 budget numbers for the Cariboo Regional District as well as taking the 2023 Budget Survey can both be viewed at 

To connect to the virtual Town Hall meeting: Join Zoom Meeting: 

Meeting ID: 846 5902 4790 
Passcode: 259424 

By Phone: 

 +1 778 907 2071 Canada 
 +1 780 666 0144 Canada 

Meeting ID: 846 5902 4790 
Passcode: 259424 

If you are not able to make this meeting and want to provide feedback – you can still do so in a couple of ways:
• Phone: 250-267-6725 


Steve Forseth 
Director, Electoral Area “D” (Commodore Heights – McLeese Lake) 
Cariboo Regional District

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