Friday, February 3, 2023

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - Feb 3rd mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner/Vice Chair J. Massier; Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Forseth, Neufeld, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Pare, Anderson, De Vries, Rathor and Pinkney 

Meeting called to order at 10:39am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw 

Meeting agenda adopted
Minutes of the Board meeting held January 13th, 2023 were received/adopted

The Board received the Delegations Memorandum of Business


1) Development Services

a) At the request of Director De Vries (Area L) -- the Board approved DVP #61-2022 for property at 5916 Highway #24 in Area "L"

b) At the request of Director Sjostrom (Area A) -- the Board approved DVP #72-2022 for property at 1517 Adrian Street in Area "A"

c) At the request of Director De Vries (Area L) -- the Board authorized submission of a Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for subdivision within the Agricultural Land Reserve, pertaining to the North West 1/4 of District Lot 4501, Lillooet District with a recommendation to approve

d) The Board re-appointed Elizabeth Hunter, George Atamanenko, Brent Rutherford, Jim Gibson, Marilyn Buyar, and Greg Atherton for a two-year term ending December 31, 2024 to the Heritage Steering Committee

2) Community Services

a) The Board authorized the Cariboo Regional District’s grant application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Economic Infrastructure stream for $132,691 to support expansion of the Anahim Lake Airport terminal building

b) The Board approved up to $45,000 for the Williams Lake Cross-Country Ski Club to install solar panels at the Bull Mountain Cross-Country Ski Trail from the 2023 Solar Panels Projects envelope of the Community Works Fund and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the necessary contribution agreement.

3) Finance

a) The Board received a request from the Cariboo Chilcotin Metis Association for sponsorship of the annual Metis Jamboree at McLeese Lake and authorized a business card ad in the amount of $30 from the COVID-19 Safe Restart Funds (vulnerable person envelope)

4) Administration

a) The Board received a report of the Deputy CAO in respect of submission of 2023 NCLGA Resolutions and directed Staff to prepare said resolutions for consideration of the Board for authorization, as follows:

* MOTI public consultation re: Subdivision Applications
* ICBC - eliminate vehicle transfer taxes on previously owned vehicles

* ALC - Revert Regional Districts' being "Referral Agency" on ALR Applications 

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director LeBourdais (Area "F") 

b) The Board authorized Staff to amend its' 2023 meeting schedule to move up the December 7, 2023, Finance/Budget Committee meeting to November 8, 2023

c) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of February 3rd, 2023

* Resolved: That a letter be sent to the Hon. Bowinn Ma (Minister of Emergency Management/Climate Readiness) advising that the Cariboo Regional District supports the position of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako regarding their concerns in relation to the 2022 Emergency Support Services Program Guide 

5) Committee/Commission Minutes

a) The Board received minutes of its' Committees/Commissions' at recently-held meetings - as follows:

* Agriculture Development Advisory Committee Meeting of December 6th, 2022
* Finance/Budget Committee Meeting of January 12th, 2023
* Heritage Steering Commission Meeting of January 17th, 2023
* North Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting of January 17th, 2023
* Emergency Preparedness Committee Meeting of January 25th, 2023
* Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Meeting of January 25th, 2023
* Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting of January 25th, 2023

6) Committee/Commission Recommendations

The Board endorsed recommendations of recently held meetings of its'  Committees/Commissions' - as follows:

* North Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting of January 17th, 2023:

i) That the North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee recommend to Quesnel City Council that the City submit an application to the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program for the Arts and Recreation Centre Building Envelope Project with a total project cost of approximately $6.5 million;

And that the Cariboo Regional District commit to allocate approximately $1.3 million in the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks five-year financial plan for the local government share of the cost, if required.

ii) That the Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors support to the Gold Rush Cycling Club's 

application to British Columbia Destination Development for grant funding for the Quesnel Bike Park project.

* Emergency Preparedness Committee Meeting of January 25th, 2023:

That the agenda item summary from Stephanie Masun, Manager of Emergency Program Services, dated January 19, 2023, regarding the BC Flood Strategy - Response from Peace River Regional District, be received. Further, that the Cariboo Regional District submit a similar letter.

* Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Meeting of January 25th, 2023:

That the agenda item summary from Lore Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant, dated January 19, 2023 regarding the appointments to various outside Central Cariboo Committees for 2023, be received and further, that the appointments be made as follows:

Director LeBourdais - Williams Lake Air Quality Roundtable
Director Forseth - Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce
Director Forseth - Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society
Director Anderson - UNBC South Central Advisory Committee

7) Directors' Items for Consideration

a) The Board received a report of the Deputy Corporate Officer in regards to the Cariboo RD's representative to the NCLGA Board.  This matter will return to the Board at its' March 24th, 2023 meeting to make the formal appointment of 1 Representative and an alternate to serve on behalf of the Cariboo Regional District on the NCLGA Board for the 2023-24 term

b) The Board rejected a request of Area "B" Director Barb Bachmeier to use Area "B" Director Initiative Funds to permit her to attend UBCM's Housing Summit on April 4th/5th, 2023 in Vancouver, BC

8) Chair's Report

The Board received a copy of Chair Wagner's report outlining her recent activities

9) Directors' Roundtable and/or Appointments to Electoral Area Committees' or Commissions'

Directors' reported on their recent activities and the Board approved certain appointments to Electoral Area Committees/Commissions

10) Closed (In-Camera) Board Session

At 1:19pm -- the Board recessed its' Open Session to proceed to a Closed (In-Camera) Board meeting as per Section 92 and 90(1m - a matter, under another enactment (law) is such that the public may be excluded from the meeting) of the Community Charter

At 1:37pm -- the Board resumed its' open meeting

The Board adjourned at 1:38pm

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