Monday, February 27, 2023

Quesnel Council Highlights - Feb 21st, 2023 mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Quesnel Ambassador Leadership Program - 2023 New Candidate Presentation

Mayor Paull introduced the 2023 Candidates and the 2022 Ambassadors, while Councillor McKelvie led the pinning ceremony.

Coordinator: Rose Scott


  • Avery Cassidy - Wizards Garage
  • Anna Simpson - O'Flynn Roofing Ltd
  • Makenzie Konrad - West Quesnel Business Association
  • Alexi Howe - Hohmann Brothers Logging Ltd
  • Samuel Agboji - William Lacy Real Estate
  • Jamie-Lynn Fedoruk - Craig's Table


  • Nevaeh Kueber
  • Jada Crossman

Delegation - City of Quesnel Water System Update

New information on the effects of manganese on human health prompted the 2019 change to regulations on Maximum Acceptable Concentration (MAC) for manganese in drinking water. Northern Health identified that the manganese levels in Quesnel drinking water exceed the new guidelines of Health Canada and, the City of Quesnel is working with Urban Systems on water system updates to meet the new guidelines.

Urban Systems provided Council an update on the Quesnel Water System project, which included work to date and next steps.

  • Public information sessions will be held 

Water Conservation Strategy

Council adopted the City of Quesnel 2020 Water Conservation Strategy, which outlines phased implementation of measures to reduce overall water demands on in the City.

Notices on Title

Council directed Staff to file a Notice on Title, for contravention of the City of Quesnel building regulations, for the following properties:

  • 495 Edkins Street
  • 223 Redden Road
  • Lot A Redden Road
  • Lot B Redden Road

Operating Budget - 2023

Council approved the 2023 Operating Budget which includes a 5.3% increase in the total tax levy driven largely by inflation. Council also approved a 1% tax shift from Commercial tax payers to Residential tax payers, which will see residential municipal taxes increasing by approximately 9.5% or $115.50 for the average residence and commercial municipal taxes decreasing by approximately $3.87 per $100,000 of assessment.


  • Bylaw 1939 City of Quesnel Comprehensive Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw 1939 of 2023 – Final Adoption
  • Bylaw 1940 City of Quesnel Appointment of Officer and Delegation of Authority Amendment Bylaw 1940 of 2023 – Final Adoption
  • Bylaw 1941 City of Quesnel Parks and Public Places Bylaw 1941 of 2023 - First Reading

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